Category Archives: leo

Family Photos 2018

November 30, 2018

Last month we took our family photos with Lauren Neff and we love how they turned out! After the last two years in the downtown Sioux Falls city scene (see those photos here – 2017, 2016), we opted for nature once again and headed to The Outdoor Campus. It’s so beautiful there with the trees and prairie grass, and the sun and weather were absolutely perfect! We all got dressed in our best, bribed the kids with snacks, and mentally prepared ourselves for the photo session. I love the mini sessions because seriously, these kids (and my husband!) can only last 15-30 minutes! It was the perfect amount of time and the kids were behaving so well, thank the Lord. Love how they turned out!

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First Day of Preschool 2018!

August 27, 2018

Ivy had her first day of preschool today! Leo’s is tomorrow! I can’t believe summer is over and we are heading into fall and school already! Just crazy! We had such a fun summer as we opted for less camps/plans and more fun! We spent so much time outside swimming, playing, and swinging! So sad to have it over! But also sooooo ready for a consistent schedule again. The kids are ready to see their friends on a daily basis again too!

Ivy and Leo are both at Central Preschool this year. Ivy is a Playful Penguin M-Th and Leo a Humpty Dumpty T/Th. Only 9-11:30, just a little something! We’ll have Fridays off so that can be our fun day!

I’m excited for Ivy to get better at recognizing letters and writing! I can’t believe how much she learns each year! And Leo is ready to play he says! Ha! Continue reading

Leo turns THREE!

June 12, 2018

Leo man is THREE! What a young little boy he’s turned into! Can’t believe how much he’s grown up! So fun to share our birthdays together on June 8!! (yes we have the same birthday! Birth story here!)

Leo is ALL BOY!! Obsessed with trucks and cars! He has some sort of monster truck or construction vehicle in his hand at all times and sleeps with one too! He hardly shows interest in anything else BUT trucks! Especially ones that make noise! My Mom and Dad got him a Power Wheels truck that he has rode non-stop since his birthday!

He is a really sweet boy, he’s the first to say ‘thank you’ and can be such a sweet boy. But also at the same time can turn crazy too! If he wants something, he wants it NOW, and he makes his mind up about something in an instant! He can be stubborn but I love his little spark :)

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Last Day of Preschool 2017/2018

May 18, 2018

Last day of schoooooooool!!! Ivy is SO excited about summer and so am I! This year flew by and Ivy and Leo grew leaps and bounds! Leo’s last day was actually last Wednesday, but Ivy’s last day is today!

Here’s the first day of school in September (that post here)! Leo’s hair is sooo blond and long! Cutie! And oh gosh, I remember Ivy wearing two different shoes all the time! Had totally forgotten about that! So funny.

And here’s the last day of school!

Leo grew up a ton!! So cute! His hair is turning so much darker! And he’s so much taller! Ivy hasn’t changed too much. Both cuties!

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