Category Archives: ivy

Published! Country Living Magazine

July 12, 2016

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This is so exciting you guys!!! Ivy’s room got scouted out to be featured in the Country Living magazine! Her room was chosen to represent South Dakota for their feature article about “50 Dream Rooms” from around the US. Such an interesting article to see the different rooms and styles from around the country. View the gallery of all the rooms here!

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So proud to hold her magazine! :)

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Here’s the picture Country Living found on my Instagram to featureCountry Living Magazine-2 Country Living Magazine-1Country Living Magazine Ivy Country Living Magazine-4

While I do love Ivy’s room, I’m pretty much obsessed with some of the other rooms in the magazine! The whole Oklahoma house was featured and it is to die for – modern farmhouse has me lately!!!

Grab a magazine to see the rest of the states! Or view the gallery online here

Jenny Lind twin bed // bed sheets // heart pillowcase // mermaid quilt // art prints // hairbow //

See the rest of Ivy’s nursery here

And a HUGE thank you to Jeff Sampson Photography for setting this up! Much appreciated! :)

Ivy 47: Mom 1

May 15, 2016


So I don’t know what it is, but things are really starting to get to me #nopatience. Do you have those days (or weeks, humph) where you just can’t win with being a Mom?! I’m in that la la land of motherhood where I’m on a bad streak and I’m pretty sure Ivy is probably singing in her dreams at night, “Ivy 47, Mom 1,” and chuckling in her cute but I-freaking-want-to-die-if-I-hear-that-again type of laugh. Nevertheless, we’re somehow chugging right along, day by day, but these repetitive and annoying (GASP! Did I just call my child annoying?! 😱) things that are happening at our house lately have gotten the best of me! Where did my Mom mojo go?!

1.CRYING. And I mean, like, WAILING. HOW is it possible, to in one brief millisecond, go from happy to FULL ON TEARS running down my face, like cry me a river, wailing like I’ve never heard her wail before. Ivy. Uncontrollable. She’s on a whole new level. LITrally. Can’t. Take. It. Anymore.

2. The words chicken strips. “What do you want for breakfast?” “Chicken strips.” “What do you want for lunch?” “Chicken strips.” “What do you want for dinner?” “Chicken strips.” Seriously her daughter’s child. BUT COME ON.

3. SWING SWING!!! Tis the season for swinging and parks, which ensues the season for COMPLETE MELTDOWNS when you take them off the swing even after they’ve been on there for thirty minutes and you make them go do something else because your wrist is getting sore from pushing but they completely lose it and wail on the ground like, “MOOOM HOW COULD YOU DO THAT, SWIIIIIIIING SWIIIIIIIIING,” type of wailing and they won’t stop crying till you put them back in the swing and then they completely turn off the crying like it never even happened (refer to #1, again, HOW?!). FML. Can I pretend she’s not mine at the park today? Ok thanks.

4. Clothes. Ivy has this tutu obsession and basically wants to wear one every day. She has two outfits that she would seriously be happy wearing every day. One of the outfits is this purple fairy tutu and matching shirt (pictured in the above photo). The other is this gold kitty shirt with a gold and white tutu and gold arrow leggings, and of COURSE she has to match it with a gold glitter hairbow (bc obsessed) like the kitty is wearing on the shirt. She pulls those out every time they’re clean. I’m seriously thinking about hiding them so she can’t wear them anymore #badmom. But this whole clothes thing is getting to be ridic. She picks out what she wants to wear and half the time it is so outrageous but she will go into COMPLETE MELTDOWN mode (again, refer to #1) if I don’t let her wear it. So, we’re just done negotiating with her and it’s something I’m saying, I don’t give a f**k.

5. Asking the same question 15 times in a row. So. I don’t know where my ability to respond to my child the first time she asks for something went. Maaaaaaybe I’ve gotten better at tuning her out (EEEK), but, I’m definitely still hearing it, just not responding. Like, I’m hearing it, but it’s something I don’t want to answer, or something I have to tell you no to and don’t want to hear you cry, or something that you want but I don’t feel like getting right now, or whatever it is. Like, I think, if I don’t respond to her, she will quit asking the question (please tell me you relate!!!??), but EXACT OPPOSITE. She KEEPS asking AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN. Until finally I respond in a super irritated voice. And then I kick myself because why didn’t I just respond the first time so that my blood wouldn’t boil when I have to hear it 15 times! And then she realizes I’m annoyed and asks, “Are you happy?” And I want to respond, “NO! I’m not effing happy!!!” But I somehow calm myself and tell her yes like a good Mom should, meh… Again, Ivy 47, Mom 1.

I need some Mom mojo back! This lull is killing me! And then she’ll come and hug and kiss me and I’ll tell her how much I love her when she wakes up from this nap, and then I’ll forget I ever wrote this. Until she asks for chicken strips for dinner tonight 🙈

Photo May 15, 3 38 38 PM

Happiest At Home

February 24, 2016

Since becoming a stay-at-home Mom, it’s been such a whirlwind. Leaving my teaching job to be able to stay home with our kids was a difficult decision, but watching our children grow up right in front of me, and me being able to raise them each day, has been the greatest gift I could receive (thanks Hubs!). I am soooo very happy that I get to spend so much time with them and teach them about life. Being with them makes me so incredibly happy.


Getting the chance to see their personalities take shape has been the highlight. We had the opportunity to take in-home photos with Amie Hansen Photography. I was so excited to be in our natural environment at home and for her to really capture what it’s like in my daily life with Ivy and Leo. I’ll have to say I am SO happy with the photos! There are so many special moments captured from our days at home and interactions between the kids and I and Ivy and Leo together. They turned out AMAZING! She truly captured Ivy’s spunk and hilarious antics, while also capturing sweet Leo and his loving side. And the biggest capture… a Mother’s love. I think they are PERFECT! We are definitely HAPPIEST AT HOME :)


Ivy has become so spunky and is a gazillion miles an hour! She’s so hilarious and I just can’t get enough of her! I mean, that smile is contagious :)

ivy and hedgehog

 And then you get her to sit for like two seconds and get a tad of a cuddle, and then I’m drawn in even more. LOVE.

Sibling interaction… I CAN’T GET ENOUGH OF IT!!! Ivy is pretty sweet on Leo and she is always trying to copy him, it’s so funny! The baby things she does are hysterical!
koch0017 koch0014Then, there’s LEO. My boooooy, so sweet. Just loves kisses and close holds from his Mama. And his two fingers :) His tired signal.

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Come on Leo, crawl crawl! Milestone captured! CHECK!
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Mama and son moments. So cherished.


Hehe, Ivy being her silly self. Quite the entertainer! All eyes on her! Passing time with an easy game of peek-a-boo full of laughter :)

koch0045 koch0044 Peekaboo

And then there’s “Mama’s bed,” as Ivy calls it. A warm naturally lit room where everyone can cuddle and play together in a comfy spot. koch0101koch0104koch0097koch0099 koch0066 koch0105 koch0079 Onbed

And that’s why I love being a Mom. The hugs, kisses, cuddles, and laughs are what makes my days joyful. I can’t get enough of these two and indeed, I’ll cherish these captured moments between mom, daughter, son, sister and brother… forever.

Photos by Amie Hansen Photography

My white tee // Ivy’s dress (old from Tea Collection, similar here and here) // Hairbow // Leo’s onesie // Leo’s pants


Toddler Talk

January 24, 2016


Ivy has been RI-dic-u-lous lately. The things she says, I’m like, either, embarrassed, speechless, laughing hysterically, totally smitten for her, or straight-up concerned #momlife. But one thing is for sure, no matter the emoji I’m feeling, it NEEDS to be documented.

So she’s been all curious about poop lately. Everytime I change Leo’s diaper or if she happens to be in a diaper or goes on the potty, she asks, “Can I see the poop?” And like, literally, gets MAD at me and cries if I tell her no. So I end up showing her and EVERY TIME she goes, “Yuuuuuck.” Well then Ivy, WHY do you keep asking?!?!? #wtf #gross

Naps are basically done around here in her world. Maybe one or two times a week she will actually go to sleep if I lay with her in there and hold her down in her bed. Nonetheless, I put her in there daily and each time I say, “Ivy, it’s naptime,” or “Ivy, it’s bedtime,” she’ll respond “not quiiiiite yet.” I chuckle each time :) #socute

Ivy likes to categorize things as “big” and “tiny.” For example, my friend Shannon is “big Shannon,” our neighbor girl Shannon is “tiny Shannon.” And many other things are “big” and “tiny.” Including my nipples and her nipples that she points out often as I’m feeding Leo : / #goddamnit #thetruthhurts

I got my . last month (so mad! I didn’t get it with Ivy till she was nine months! Leo’s only seven!) and was in the bathroom doing you know what, and she walks in (note to self, LOCK DOOR). Literally in the middle of it and she goes, “What’s that in your body?” I’m like, “UMB.” Thinking, how the HELL do you explain a . to a two year old? Also thinking, how can I dodge this till you’re thirteen! So I am fumbling my thoughts and she asks again, “What’s that in your body? Mama got a boo boo?” I’m like YES, go with THAT!!! “Mama got a boo boo!” #saved

Potty training. Yup. Still working on that. I’ve heard the words, “I’m going pee pee!” A hundred times and it was quite embarrassing when she was at Skyzone last Tuesday sitting on the mat and yelled it too. #oops #sorryskyzone

Another potty training. It is going well. 90% potty trained I would say. And when she needs to go, she’ll say all frantically (probably bc my voice usually is during potty training), “I better get to the potty chair!” #YESPLEASE #andhurryup

Yesterday morning she woke up an hour earlier than normal and came into our bedroom. I asked her, “Why’d you wake up so early?” She responded, “Because I need a bow in my hair.” #WOW #totalgirl

She’s learned, “UGH.” In the really annoyed drawn out tone. Who’d she learn that from? #guilty

Everything is “TA DA!!!!” #soproud

Total goofball. And totally loving this age #two



Merry, Merry Christmas!

December 27, 2015

We had a splendid Christmas indeed! Full bellies, good faith, and surrounded by friends and family. The night even ended with “White Christmas” as the snowflakes softly fell to the ground. It was magical and a perfect ending to a memorable holiday. This year, I was quite anxious for Christmas since Ivy was another year older. She tore through the presents, sang Christmas carols all day month long, and was a jolly little girl all day. Unfortunately, still scared of Santa, buuut, she was happy Santa still brought her presents! Christmas is so magical with children around. It brings me back to my childhood and all of the family gatherings to celebrate the “most wonderful time of the year.” And this year was even better than the last, with two children to wake up to on Christmas morning. To cuddle and hug and wish them a Merry Christmas and sing out with glee that SANTA was here! And to cherish these memories that we make together as a family, pretty special times! Here’s a little glimpse into our Christmas as a family. Hope yours was a Merry Christmas as well :)

Photo Dec 24, 8 01 45 AM

Our fun started on Christmas Eve! John and I hosted and we had a huge ham to cook! We went to church and headed back to our house for a big feast with my family and John’s family. YUM. The ham (recipe here)  turned out sooo delicious.

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The table turned out pretty good for working with what I happened to have at home! Here was my inspiration for the table decor and the place setting cards


HAM. Sooo good. The glaze… mmmm. Recipe here

The next day it was Christmas morning! I couldn’t WAIT to get the kids and tell them “It’s Christmas!!!” We had been talking about it every day with Ivy as she would try to take a present from under the tree! So now it was finally time to open the presents!!! Ivy was a PRO! That’s maybe not a good thing ;) And we can’t forget…. it was Leo’s FIRST Christmas! He just got all clothes, since I apparently bought every toy imaginable for Ivy : / #handmedowns


Cutest little outfit. That reindeer butt.Christmas2015-4

Ivy is obsessed with Calico Critters right now – she got the camper from Grandma and is SO excited about it!

We also got Ivy this dollhouse, and I finally found the BEST doll family for it! I had been looking forever and they were all so strange looking. They’re from Hape and there is a grandpa, grandma, dad, mom, son, daughter, and a youngest daughter. They’re really awesome and bendable! I really like them!


Y-bike scooter

We celebrated the morning with the Kochs and the evening with the Keatings (my family) and by the end we were totally completely exhausted AND stuffed from delicious food!!!

Ivy even blessed us with her singing of “Jingle Bells”

Leo with his cousin Tya!

And later that night… SNOW. Pure magic. So beautiful! “May all your Christmases be whiiiiiiite”

Santa  – maybe Ivy will let go of the death grip and actually sit on Santa next year. Leo didn’t seem to mind, haha.


Hope you had a Merry Christmas!!

Now on to the New Year! I already bought this “party in a box” from Target to celebrate! Can’t wait!