Category Archives: john

Ivy and Daddy

April 3, 2014

It’s pretty darn special seeing your manly man of a husband just love on his little girl. He’s so sweet with her, I just love it. Thinking back to delivering her and how strong and helpful he was, and now seeing him with her, it’s just remarkable. I love John and I’m so so so lucky to have an exceptional husband and an even better father. Nailed it. #lucky #myhubbyrocks

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Some of her first bites of real food!


Future JKC tag along

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 Dad! What’d you do to me?!

6 months

April 1, 2014

Half birthday already?! You know when you were a kid, you LOVED half birthdays! In fact, I still celebrate mine, surely, to myself, but I still acknowledge it. I brought it up to John once and pretty sure he was like, WTF, you’re not a kid. But, in Ivy’s case, a HALF YEAR! Come on! Seems like just yesterday I was pushing this stubborn little girl out of me. Ooo, flashback to my labor, let’s not go there…. back to 6 months. This month is FOOD month! I’ve been reading all about baby-led weaning which is RIGHT up my alley, so I’ve been trying it a little bit with Ivy, but I’m gonna really start this month, but I do still plan to nurse till 1 yr. More about that later. Back to 6 months again, kinda a space cadet today. She just had her 6 month appointment and she’s 26.5 inches (73rd percentile), and 16 lbs 3 oz (51st percentile). Will we have a tall skinny girl? Based on John’s height, you wouldn’t think so :) (sorry John, love you, but we know you didn’t get the height gene! What did you call it? A “half wad?” Oh snap, maybe I shouldn’t put that in here…) But that man does have some LEGS! So far, hers are pretty chubby. Well, not pretty, they ARE chubby. But she’s a strong girl that tries her hardest to stand on her own. One of my favorite things is when I change her diaper then pick her up from laying down and fly her onto the changing pad, she just stands up so proud and tall, I always laugh. The dresser is pretty tall, and she just thinks shes such a big girl when I do that. I just love it. It’s so damn cute. Speaking of cute, check out these pics

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Big, cheesy, ole’ grin

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I dream big, mama

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Hmm, ok, well, that pose works too hunny


Ok, sooo maybe not the BEST at sitting up yet


This is too cute – she does the two finger thing when she’s stressed, just like her cousin Nora




It’s just too hard being cute, Mom


Ok, well maybe not THAT hard


Grow, hair, grow

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Thanks Grandma and Great Grandpa, for my big pretty blue/green eyes

IMG_3568Right before her shots… OUCH. She’s too sweet here, right before the pain. I hate that part!

Daddy playtime

February 10, 2014

Seeing your husband with your baby is one of the best sights. It’s just so sweet seeing a man with a baby girl. John often likes to kinda make Ivy his puppet. The poor girl, she’s just going to die over these photos when she’s 13. But, we get a kick out of it… hehe




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Bobble head




Baby selfie


Dad, that’s not my food???

Tummy time, shmummy time

January 4, 2014

Ivy has hated tummy time since day 1. And as a new mom, I of course gave in when she would start to holler, HELP. So I haven’t been the best at making her do it. But it is too cute when she is on her tummy and pulls that big head up and looks at you and smiles. I just die.

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Ivy helping her papa work on his first day of babysitting ALONE. This was scary for me.

3 months and Happy New Year

January 1, 2014

3 months old! Too fast. And I start work tomorrow. Damn. It was great while it lasted. Hopefully this semester goes fast so summer can get here and I get this babe every day again! Thankfully, John’s mom Betsy and my mom Caleen are going to take her instead of daycare. Love that! Ivy you’re a lucky girl to have both grandparents here!

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Oh ya, I know I’m cute



She’s been playing with her hands a ton! She always looks like she’s praying :)


She LOVES her toes right now! It is hilarious! Like, ummm really, you can do that? She loves having no socks on and she just chomps away at them. I laaauuuugghhh. I know she didn’t get that from me. The best I ever got on the sit-and-reach was a big fat ZERO. Ugh, that’s the reason I never got the Presidential Fitness Award. Grrrr.

Now onto John and I – we had a NYE party last night filled with friends and family. It was SO much fun to finally entertain again after basically not having people over all year while we were at the loft.


 Happy New Year!