One of the things I was really looking forward to about being a parent, was getting to be a kid again. Not having a care in the world and just simply, being a kid. Do you remember those days? The days when you would run free throughout your backyard that you pretended was your very own jungle, the gentle wind blowing through your hair as you run as fast as your little legs can carry you, then laying around in the soft green grass staring at fluffy white clouds… The days when you would play hide and seek with your best friends, or run wild during a game of tag, or play some other silly (but totally awesome) made-up game that your innocent child imagination made up… I miss those days. I want Ivy to feel the same freedom and complete bliss I felt as a child. The utter happiness of just being a kid with no worries. Enjoying the beautiful nature and all it has to offer. Letting your imagination run wild. All of the joys of being a child.
I’ve been looking forward to retracing my childhood with Ivy and experiencing those child memories again and attending some “family events.” The events that I wouldn’t dare go to without my very own child, but always secretly wanted to. One of those events was last weekend called “Springtime in the Country” at the Mary Jo Wegner Arboretum. Springtime, ahhh :) I think it’s finally here to stay. When I think of spring, I think of green grass, new smells, flowers, and warm weather. I think of my childhood when our lilacs would start blooming and we would go pick them to put together a gorgeous bouquet. I think of running around through the sumac trees with my sisters chasing after each other, running wild and free. But another exciting thing I think about with spring, is all of the baby animals! And THIS is what “Springtime in the Country” was about. Celebrating spring’s newest additions. Now this is screaming “family event” and something I would have just LOVED as a little girl. There were all sorts of baby animals! Baby calves, baby ducks, baby kittens, baby bunnies, and other baby animals, but best of all, there was a new baby pony that was only 3 days old! So cute. Now Ivy is a little young for this, but I was certainly excited to check out the baby animals! (Insert my inner kid excitement! EEEEEE!) I mean, who doesn’t love a baby bunny!!!! Ivy and I met some of my friends out there with their children for the afternoon, and booooy, it was a delight, bringing me back to my childhood…
Cohen and Ivy sittin’ in a tree… oh wait… I mean, looking at a horsey
Ivy and Rilynn petting the brand new baby pony
Rilynn had no fear! She LOVED that little pony
Ivy, the baby bunnies are over here!!
Ok, sooo, maybe (well, obviously) Ivy wasn’t that interested, she’d rather watch the people, but I sure enjoyed myself, being a kid again :)