Category Archives: cedar ridge hideaway

1 month

November 1, 2013

1 month old. 9 lbs 9 oz (53rd percentile), gained 2 pounds, and 21.5 inches (66th percentile), grown 1.5 inches. She’s smiling a ton and loves to look at EVERYTHING. Grandma Betsy says she is going to be the life of the party because she doesn’t want to miss out on anything. Haha, is that good or bad? :)

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Ivy babe waiting for her daddy to get done working at his JKC office so we can go to Yankton!


Celebrated 1 month old by taking a stroll by the river in Yankton. Not too bad…


Grandma Betsy and Grandpa Dan came to visit us. Diaper duty (gladly) for Grandma!

DSC_0207Worm (our dog) looks really happy about this one

First Trip to the Yankton cabin!

October 27, 2013

John, Ivy, and I went to our cabin in Yankton to get a little R & R together. We absolutely love going down there and John did a big addition to the cabin last spring so we now we have a cozy getaway. We call it “Cedar Ridge Hideaway,” because it’s tucked into some big pretty trees. We lit the fire, lounged around the couch, and took Ivy around the neighborhoods and the river. GORGEOUS fall days. Is it bad that I’m jealous of my daughter? She gets to grow up with a cabin and boat along the river! John wants her water skiing by 2, haha :) Glad her pops is able to teach her all of that! Fun times ahead…

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Sleepy baby after her first trip to the cabin