Category Archives: age

Leo // 3 months

September 8, 2015


Leo is THREE months old today! He’s getting to be so fun and interactive, I’m loving it! He smiles a ton whenever you make eye contact with him and coos to tell you he loves you! :) He still really loves to be held and wants to face out all of the time now so he doesn’t miss out on any of the action. Especially watching his obnoxious sister Ivy!

He has really started loving his hands and he likes to suck on his fingers and not on a pacifier, hehe, even if he’s just been fed! He is not even close to sleeping through the night (AHHH!!!), unlike his sister that was sleeping 12 hours already at three months. So we have some work to do! I’m convinced that he’s just a big growing boy and really wants to see his mommy at night :) I’ll just keep telling myself that…

Leo has the most beautiful blue-gray eyes right now and I’m hoping they stay that way! His blond hair is growing and it’s the cutest little fuzz on top of his head. He is getting stronger and stronger and loves to try to stand up and to lift his head up. He still has a strong grip and he’s doing better at holding toys.

We love you Leo!


Monthly stickers //Crib Sheet fabric then custom made by Iviebaby // Outfit Gap (sold out) // Jellycat Bashful Calf

Leo and his fingers!!!

10 Weeks With Leo

August 17, 2015

Leo is 10 weeks old today! 10 weeks, whew! He’s a bundle full of joy and we are totally smitten! I decided to start a weekly update about Leo on Instagram (@kayleemaykoch) to watch how he grows and give a weekly review of what he’s up to that week or any milestones he conquers. It’s really fun to see the photos from each week and keep track of how different he looks as he grows. The hashtag is #watchmrleogrow, so follow along if you’re on instagram!

Look at how big he’s gotten! So fun to see the progression!


And here’s this week – 10 weeks! This week, he’s totally outgrown his Fisher Price Rock N Play Sleeper that we had in our bedroom, so this week we started the transition of moving him into his crib! EEEEK! Last night was his first night and he was up three times instead of only once, sooo I’m going to do naps in the crib and nights in the sleeper until his naps are going smoothly. This makes him seem really old! Ivy didn’t move into her crib till she was three months, but, I’m not into co-sleeping, so here goes nothing!

Photo Aug 17, 4 21 19 PM

Romper (sold out, similar here)

Leo // 2 months

August 8, 2015


Leo turns TWO months today!

Leo is the best baby! He is soooo sweet and only wants to be held and cuddled and close to anyone who wants to hold him. It’s so precious! He has been smiling a lot and has started cooing which is absolutely adorable. He slept eight hours straight the other night which was amazing!

He’s getting to be such a big boy and unfortunately for him, he’ll have to squeeze into this last shipment of Amazon Mom size one diapers I got him before the first of the month and he gets into his size two! Sorry buddy!

He’s also so strong!!! He held his head up the day he was born… like WHAAAT? And now he does it all the time easily. He’s “all boy!” like my Mom says :)

He is so much fun to be around and loves to be in the action. He takes his sister’s shenanigans quite well and I am anxious for him to dish it back to her! Watch out Ivy!


And those SMILES! #meltsmyheart


Monthly Stickers // Crib Sheet fabric then custom made by Iviebaby // Striped tank romper from Gap sold out (similar here and really cute one here too)

Leotwomonths-25Bah! And had to include this one! Ivy kept saying “too tight, too tight mommy!” I guess she didn’t want to be THAT close to her brother ;) And Leo’s little smirk, hahaha!

Favorite Leo pictures from the month… smooch and smack!


Top – Red Henley Onesie // Red and White Striped Onesie

Middle – Black and White Striped Blanket // Anchor Onesie from June and January sold out (similar here) // Crab Outfit

Bottom – Boppy Pillow Cover // Blue Henley Onesie

Leo // 1 month

July 8, 2015


Leo is already one month old! I still think about that day (my BIRTHDAY!) a month ago now and how crazy it was (read birth story here)! Even more crazy, is how the heck he is already one month old! I knew the newborn thing would go by fast, but WHEW, this was reeeaaaaal fast.

Weighing in at 11 lbs 6 ounces (85th percentile) and 22.5 inches (75th percentile), he’s been gaining weight like a sumo wrestler. Up from 8 lbs 3 oz and 20 inches at birth, I’d say he’s doing purty good. This boy thing is legit, people told me he’d be an eater! YUP. And he’s so strong! Holding his head up pretty well already.

He’s been the sweetest baby. He absolutely LOVES to be held and cuddled. The Solly Wrap has come in quite handy when he cries when I let him down. And it helps that we have had family in town who are just dying to get their hands on him :) He doesn’t mind.

What I love most lately is how awake he is! After the initial newborn thing and sleep sleep sleep, he’s awake more and more and I get to gaze in his pretty bluish gray eyes. He’s so fun to look at when they make eye contact with you! My face is like all up in there and centimeters away from him so he can see me and I can give him a million kisses. SMOOCH Leo all day.


Monthly Stickers // Crib Sheet fabric then custom made by Iviebaby // Onesie

Ivy // 21 months

July 1, 2015


// Dress // Shoes //

Ivy is now 21 months! I feel foolish calling her that, like, why don’t I just say almost two, but I’m milking this month thing till she is actually two and she’s saying she’s two and I shouldn’t call her by the month anymore. So we are going to go right ahead and finish out these next few months so I can feel like my baby isn’t as grown up as she really is : /

She is practically saying sentences now, with several words in a row. My favorite is how polite she is! She always says “thanks,” or “thank you” when you give her something, I love it! Still working on the please, but she will say it if you ask her the right way to ask for something. Starting on the manners young!

She is also OBSESSED with the ipad. We just started giving it to her this month and she’s already a PRO! She loves to play the puzzles and matching games. The “Tiny Hands” educational games are great for toddlers her age. She loves the sorting ones! It’s incredible. She can drag them and match them, like whoa! She also loves the “Toddler Farm” which has animal sounds and puzzles. I wonder what education will be like by the time she’s in school? Technology is key!


// Dress // Sandals //

Lately, Ivy is a BUSY girl! WIth summer here, there is something to do every day! Tuesdays she is at an art class at the Washington Pavilion, Wednesdays she is with Grandma Koch, and Thursdays I love to go to these fabulous children’s theater plays at McKennan Park. We go for walks or go swimming or hit up the zoo in the afternoons and then all of a sudden it’s Friday and we are headed to our cabin for the weekend. Life is pretty busy lately! This new baby Leo (aka tag along) hasn’t slowed us down one bit! 

Ivy21months-7 Ivy21months-8Ivy21months-20 June27weekend-5

Took out the Maui Mat last weekend and she went WILD! Running and running back and forth. And when she would fall she would act like a frog and bounce back saying “Ribbit, ribbit!”


Zoo with Uncle Joe


We just had cousins Anna and Nora in town for a week and Ivy LOVED them! And they were equally obsessed with her! It was so nice to get them together and the three of them had so much fun together.


What are you all doing for the 4th? My sister Jillian and her husband Brian fly in tonight and I can’t wait to see them! She is due in September so I am pumped to see her bump again! And I will be thankful I don’t have one anymore :) My cousin Carson is also coming from Denver so we will have a ton of family fun this weekend at our cabin. They are anxious to meet Leo too! Anyways, hope you all have a happy and safe 4th of July! God bless America! ;)

And because Leo needs some love on this blog too – here he is at THREE WEEKS (Already! YELP!)


// Chair //

Annnnnd… I should probably get started on the baby book : / #procrastinator