Category Archives: age

Leo // 6 Months

December 8, 2015

Leo turns 6 months today! He just started sitting up on his own this week and I’m SO excited about that! That is one of my favorite milestones! It’s so nice to be able to sit them upright. He is reaching for toys and grabbing EVERYTHING in sight. I got this blue chewbeads necklace so that I can actually give him something in his hands instead of my hair when I’m holding him. He really likes it! And so do I :)

What I love most about this month, is how he is really responding to us now. When he sees me he gets excited and puts his arms up for me to hold him, and that’s just basically the best thing ever. Heart melts a million times. He smiles whenever you make eye contact with him and he is so so so happy. I love to go get him from his crib when he wakes up because when he sees you he gives a huge smile! Such a sweet baby boooooooy.


DSC_0218He is super ticklish and whenever he starts laughing he gets the hiccups! It’s so cute and funny! He really likes to watch anything Ivy does. She tends to keep him entertained and she likes to talk baby talk to him which is adorable. She also likes to hog pile him and sit on him. Humph : / Sorry Leo

Photo Dec 06, 9 45 56 AM Photo Nov 12, 8 44 20 AM

We have started to give him some food. I did baby-led weaning (read this book if you’re interested) with Ivy (see her in action here), and we plan to do it again with Leo. We got him this high chair to sit up at the table with us, and I’ve attempted to give him some things and I can tell he’s not quite ready for it yet since he kind of just started reaching out for things. But so far he’s been getting a bit of our food and he makes faces at everything! Except the ice cream and chocolate Grandma gave him! Haha! I’ll be giving him bits and pieces here and there for another couple weeks then hopefully his hand-eye coordination will be better so he can pick things up himself.


Monthly stickers //Crib Sheet fabric then custom made by Iviebaby // Jellycat Bashful Calf // red pants // Christmas onesie


Leo in Months – 1 month // 2 months // 3 months // 4 months // 5 months

– Here are some of my favorites of Leo from the month –

Leo 6 months

Age stats // Ivy 2 years // Leo 4 months

October 13, 2015

Well-checks for the Koch kiddos yesterday! Ivy had her 2 year and Leo had his 4 month. I decided to try to just do them back-to-back and that was quite interesting! Thank goodness I had brought my Mom to help divide and conquer! There was WAY too many people in the room! Kinda chaotic! So I’m pretty sure that’s the last time I will do that! Plus Leo got his shots first and I was consoling him as Ivy got hers and my Mom consoled her… that was sad for me! I wanted to hug her too!!! :( But Grandma did a good job and Ivy hardly cried! Getting to be such a tough girl. I love that chick.

Ivy 2 year stats ➡️ 2’11” (84%), 27lbs 2oz (55%). And my gosh. My big rambunctiously sweet 2 year old girl big enough to use the big girl scales now! She was so adorable and innocent standing there so nice and sweet. Looking way too big and growing up way too fast!!!

Leo 4 month stats ➡️ 25.5 inches (57%), 17lb 6oz (84%). My chubby man with a 17 in (93%) head! Goodness gracious Leo! He was around 85% for height and weight at his two month, so this was a little different with his length only at 57%. He might end up being short and chubby! Haha, that’d be cute too. As long as he stays a chubby baby, that’s my favorite and he’s so cuddly!

Leo // 4 Months

October 8, 2015


Leo is 4 months old!

This month he has been hilarious! He smiles ALL the time, like way more than I ever remember Ivy smiling! He really is sweet. And he likes to talk too! If he’s anything like Ivy, this is going to be one non-stop chatter of a household!

He’s starting to roll on his side, in fact he sleeps like that sometimes, kinda scary, but it must be comfortable for him. And the sleep situation hasn’t changed. Still going to bed around 7-730, wakes up around 330, then again at 7ish. Not quite sleeping through the night. I have the feeling he might NEVER! EEEK!

Lately he LOVES to watch his sister Ivy! She takes care of him and is always looking out for him. They’re forming quite a bond, I love it! He watches her all day long. Can’t wait till they can actually play together!


Monthly stickers //Crib Sheet fabric then custom made by Iviebaby // Iguana tee // Sweatpants //  Jellycat Bashful Calf

He also LOVES his reflection! Always smiling at himself :)

Here are some other favorites from this month! Leo is quite smiley! We love you Leo John!

Leo 4 months

Top Left – Happy Camper (from Gap – sold out) // Sweatpants // Crib sheet

Middle – Onesie

Right – Brave the Wild onesie (from Gap – sold out) // Striped sweat pants // Booties

Bottom left – Pig onesie // Booties

Middle – Born Wild Tee (from Gap – sold out) // Blue pants

Right – Striped onesie // Blue pants // Green Booties

Here is Leo at 1 month, 2 months, and 3 months

Happy 2nd Birthday Ivy!

October 1, 2015


Dress // Bow

Happy 2nd Birthday Ivy Rebecca!!

You are quite the smart little lady! You are adventurous, fun, independent, wild, and a pretty princess at heart :) We love you so much!  You are taking such good care of your little brother, always telling me when he needs something or “baby brother’s crying mama,” (as if I didn’t hear), and your hugs and kisses melt our hearts. Such a good big sister! I’m so proud of how you’ve grown and I hope you continue to be a mix of your sweet and spicy self!

We love you sooooo much!!!!!! Hugs and kisses!!!

Birth, 1 year, 2 year

And of course the birthday girl had to have cupcakes for breakfast today, YUM.

Photo Oct 01, 9 51 57 AM

After cupcakes, we had Kindermusik, then went to open gym gymnastics, then lunch with Grandma Keating at Five Guys, and currently you’re singing to yourself in your crib, NOT SLEEPING (which is much too much of a habit lately.) And tonight we are going to Chuck-E-Cheese’s! We’ve never taken her there yet, I’m quite excited to see what she’ll be like!

And Mom bragging moment → look at this smart little girl singing her ABCs! A bit distracted but hey :) And I just love how she gives Leo his toy at the beginning :) SWOON

Hope you have a great birthday Ivy! We love you!

Ivy’s Fairy Birthday Party // 2 Years Old

September 29, 2015


Ivy’s flower fairy birthday party (see inspiration board here) was a huge hit! We had the cutest little fairies running around, great treats and apps, friends, family, and perfect weather! Her second birthday party was so much fun and we always like spending time with friends and family. Most of all, I love seeing Ivy smile and giggle for two hours straight! That’s the best :)

Fairy Food Table

Tassel Garland // Floral Garland // Gold Happy Birthday // Circle Pink and Gold Garland // Flag Felt Garland // Pink and Hot Pink Circle Felt Garland // Pink Floral Tablecloth // Pink Paper Cups // #2 Pink Balloon // Pink and Purple Balloons // Beverage Dispenser (sold out similar here) and stand //

Thankfully, I had almost all of the decor already from Ivy’s 1st birthday party and just some random garlands I have in Ivy’s playroom or bedroom, so really all I had to buy were the balloons and tablecloth, which was great! I tried to stick with my floral fairy pink theme and I think it turned out! :)

Ivy2ndbirthday-12 Ivy2ndbirthday-13

The cake was from The Cake Lady (inspiration photo here) – it was gorgeous AND delicious!! The cake stand wood slab was used at our wedding for our wedding cake :) Fun to reuse! And I made the cake topper with two of the wands and washi tape! Here is the DIY video I followed. Very easy!!! Ivy ACTUALLY blew the candles out! I was pretty impressed! Even though she may have bumped into the side of the cake a little :) haha

The kiddos

Here are the kiddos, minus a couple running around! Each of them got their own wings (which I found at the Dollar Store, heck ya!), a wand, and a floral headband! Ivy had a special crown I got for her that was personalized with her name on it from Mosey Handmade, it was beautiful on her! They were all so adorable! And even the mamas got a floral headband :)


For an activity, I had the kids make their own pixie dust! I loved this idea (from this party)!! I got mini glass jars (when they were 50% off) from Hobby Lobby for their pixie dust, and filled other glass jars with glitter! Then we super glued the cork lids shut. It was so messy and there was glitter everywhere, but the kids LOVED it! And I had fun too :) Thankfully it was outside!

Ivy2ndbirthday-5 Ivy2ndbirthday-6 Ivy2ndbirthday-17GlitterIvy2ndbirthday-8

Next were presents! She got a TON of dolls and barbies! She was in heaven! And the best part was she got new sleeper gowns! Ivy has been OBSESSED with this Anna and Elsa Frozen gown that my mom got her a month ago, and she MUST sleep in it during naps and bedtime (you know how the toddler negotiation thing goes…). So my friend Shannon got her a Cinderella and Minnie Mouse one, she LOVES them!

Ivy2ndbirthday-19 Ivy2ndbirthday-10

John and I got her this bounce house! It’s going to make winter tolerable! It can fit in our basement, which is soooo fabulous.


And Leo was in good hands during the party with Shannon!

Overall, Ivy was in heaven being as girly as possible! She’s turned into quite the little princess and is much more girlier than I ever was! I will have to say though, that it’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen #bigsmile

Fairyphotoshoot-4 Fairyphotoshoot-1

2 more days until she’s actually 2!!! I think we might take her to Chuck E Cheeses for her birthday on Thursday. They still sell beer there, right?? ;)

Happy 2nd Birthday Baby Girl!!! We love you!