Category Archives: age

Leo’s Wild One!

June 12, 2016

Happy WILD ONE Leo!!! You’re a big ONE year old now! Getting so big so quickly. I wish I could just hit pause for a couple days so my baby stays a baby!

We celebrated his birthday (oh yeah, AND MINE!) with a Where the Wild Things Are themed party (see the inspiration board here). I loved this invitation suite and everything black and white with pops of gold and woods for the party. I had plenty of wood serveware and for entertaining and even reused a wood slab from our wedding that worked perfectly!

To make the party really Wild, of course Leo had to have a gold crown like Max in the book! The leather crown was so adorable and he actually kept it on his head the entire party! He was KING LEO for the day and we all celebrated with a Happy Wild One party!

Leo's Wild One Party // Apple of My Ivy blogLeo's Wild One Party // Apple of My Ivy blogLeo's Wild One Party // Apple of My Ivy blog Leo's Wild One Party // Apple of My Ivy blog Leo's Wild One Party // Apple of My Ivy blogLeo's Wild One Party // Apple of My Ivy blogLeo's Wild One Party // Apple of My Ivy blogLeo's Wild One Party // Apple of My Ivy blog Leo's Wild One Party // Apple of My Ivy blogLeo's Wild One Party // Apple of My Ivy blogLeo's Wild One Party // Apple of My Ivy blog Leo's Wild One Party // Apple of My Ivy blog Leo's Wild One Party // Apple of My Ivy blog Leo's Wild One Party // Apple of My Ivy blog Leo's Wild One Party // Apple of My Ivy blogLeo's Wild One Party // Apple of My Ivy blog Leo's Wild One Party // Apple of My Ivy blog Leo's Wild One Party // Apple of My Ivy blogLeo's Wild One Party // Apple of My Ivy blog Leo's Wild One Party // Apple of My Ivy blog Leo's Wild One Party // Apple of My Ivy blogLeo's Wild One Party // Apple of My Ivy blog Leo's Wild One Party // Apple of My Ivy blog

Yup! Foot in the cake! Dominated that thing! Leo's Wild One Party // Apple of My Ivy blogLeo's Wild One Party // Apple of My Ivy blog Leo's Wild One Party // Apple of My Ivy blog

Leo, our little man. Happy one year to you Leo! This year flew by so fast! You have brought our family so much happiness and love, I can hardly envision life with you baby. Your sweet snuggles melt my heart and soothe my soul. You are so easy going and truly a mama’s boy who just loves to be held. Which I am completely enjoying because Ivy was never a snuggler! You have such a calm demeanor but are quick to smile when someone you like is around or Ivy being funny to make you laugh. I love how you race to Daddy as soon as you see him and are so curious about what he’s doing all the time. Leo, you are sweeter than I could ever imagine a boy to be and I am so thankful for you each day as you nuzzle up on me and suck those two wittle fingers, like all is calm in Leo’s world. It’s the sweetest and we love you so much!

Happy 1st Birthday Leo!

Wild One invitation suite // gold leather crown // gold crown // black and white stripe crown //  mini black and white party crowns // party hats // black tie party balloons // tassel balloons // gold 1 balloon // paper plates // cups // birch paper straws // happy birthday banner // leo’s tank romper // ivy’s dress // my dress (use code – PROMOKAYLEE for 25% off your entire purchase) // teepee // blanket //

A big thank you to Queen City Balloons for supplying the balloons for the party! They were perfect and so much fun! Great to work with you!

Vanilla buttercream birthday cake by Sugar’s Baked Goods and Sweet Treats. The best!

Leo // 12 Months

June 9, 2016

My baby is ONE!!!!!!! This month really flew by! We had so much fun with his wild one party. Perfect weather to celebrate our birthdays. I can’t wait to share photos! I’ll get to that later. But first, Leo’s 12 month update.


This month he popped two of his molars so now he has 10 teeth! Whew! Fit to eat just about everything. He loves avocado, macaroni and cheese, grapes, and cheese sticks.


Leo is LOVING the swing! He really enjoys being outside and also love to eat popsicles with his sister. He is cruising all over and really loves to push his walker everywhere. He’s not even close to walking! He isn’t even standing on his own yet… sooo, we have a while. Which I’m ok with!


He’s still so cuddly and sweet! He absolutely LOVES his Daddy! Every time John walks in Leo crawls as fast as he can to him saying “Da da da da da,” it’s so adorable!



 Monthly stickers // Crib Sheet fabric then custom made by Iviebaby // Jellycat Bashful Calf // black and white crown // t-shirt


Leo in Months – 1 month // 2 months // 3 months // 4 months // 5 months // 6 months // 7 months//8 months // 9 months // 10 months // 11 months

Here are some of my favorite photos of Leo from the month. He’s so darn cute!


Love his sister Ivy! It’s funny now because he’s fighting her back. He can hold his own ground with her trying to take toys from him. He holds on tight and screams! It’s HILARIOUS! Go Leo! Fend Ivy off! ;)



Happy Birthday Leo!!! Smooch!

Happy 1st Birthday Leo!

June 8, 2016

My boy. My birthday boy. Happy 1st Birthday Leo! And, I suppose, Happy Birthday to myself too! Yes! We share a birthday! Leo arrived 10 days early, just to share it with me, ha. Pretty special, to completely be a Mama’s boy!

Here’s a little Mommy and Mini Me post with Leo and I because I couldn’t really help myself when it’s BOTH of our birthdays :)


I feel like I just gave birth (see story here) yesterday to this little man. Seeing this picture from the hospital floods back so much love as he entered the world!

Bringing a boy into this world has been so different than with Ivy. I remember being so extremely nervous when we found out he was a boy. And now I wish I could take back all of those nerves and fears as holding and loving a boy is such a different and sweet love. He is really a Mama’s boy and I think we both kind of melt into each other’s arms. Oh Leo. You’re my buddy.

Photo Jun 07, 10 23 22 PM

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Photo Jun 07, 10 33 09 PM Photo Jun 07, 10 31 46 PM Photo Jun 07, 10 33 15 PMleoandmom

Happy Birthday Leo! So happy to share this special day with you. I love you so much!

52 Weeks with Leo

June 6, 2016

My little Leo!! He’s growing up so fast! 52 weeks old today :( I’m a sucker for looking back at photos and it’s been so much fun for me to do a weekly photo of him with the hashtag #WatchMrLeoGrow. And now, here we are at the end of his first year, looking back at his last 52 weeks with us, and seeing how much he’s changed. He was once my chubby little baby and is now thinned out looking more and more like a little boy.


EEE! Week 1, so wittle! And week 7, his belly! Ha!10-18Leo

Weeks 13, 14, and 15, his chubby cheek SMILE!!! And oops on weeks 16, 17, and 18 on his outfits! My bad.


Week 22 and his shy wittle smile with his hands in his mouth. GAH! 💙28-36Leo

His head is looking pretty big in all of these photos! 37-45Leo

Leo’s personality comes out in these photos! Week 41 and 42 he learned how to yell “AHHHH!” and week 43 learned how to make sounds with his lips. CUTIE! 46-51Leo



And week 48, sums Leo up the best. Just a happy, chill, smiley little boy. My buddy.

Man, I can’t even pick a favorite!! Week 14-15 and his cheesing out smile might have me! But I also just LOVE week 48. It’s just totally Leo. I love them all though!

So much fun to see how he’s changed!

And now his birthday in on Wednesday, June 8. Our sweet boy, we love you so much! Can’t wait to celebrate you!

Where the Wild Things Are Birthday Inspiration

May 21, 2016

Leo is turning ONE soon!!!!! EEEK! I seriously cannot believe it, the second kid grows up so much faster! :( I remember like it was yesterday holding that sweet newborn in my arms (see birth story here). And not to mention, he was born on MY BIRTHDAY! How special! The best gift in the world, delivering a brand new healthy baby boy in my arms. However, the worst gift ever to be in LABOR on your birthday, COME ON! But all ended well and now I get to share my birthday with him! Except, basically that means I don’t have a birthday anymore, ha, but I’m happy to celebrate him instead of me turning older!!!!! Haha :)

After browsing through Pinterest (see Leo’s 1st birthday board here), I stumbled upon this wild thing 1st birthday party and it was to die for! I LOVED the black and white with the copper pops of color. So I decided on a Where the Wild Things Are birthday party theme and have found so many fun items! Totally into black and white right now!

Here is some inspiration I’m going for to celebrate Leo turning ONE!


Where the Wild Things Are Party

black tie balloon, plate, party hat // gold crown // black and white crown // mini black and white party crowns // 1 cake topper // gold 1 balloon // striped romper // wild man outfit // gold moccasins // happy birthday banner // party animals invitation

I LOVE the crowns and invitation! The crowns are adjustable which was a must for Leo’s BIG head! :) And the invitation comes in a whole suite with several fun signs, thank you cards, and a bunch of other stationery that is all you need for the party. One stop shop!

And of course Mama has to match! This romper is perfect!

I can’t wait to celebrate my sweet baby!!!!


 And now after the fact, here’s his party and how it came together! See the whole blog post here! But here are a few photos :)

Leo 1st Birthday Small-44LeosWildOne2img_4086Leo's Wild One Party // Apple of My Ivy blogLeo 1st Birthday Small-2

Again, see more of Leo’s party here!