Category Archives: age

Ivy// 20 Months

June 2, 2015

Ivy is 20 months old! EEEK! So close to 2 it’s kinda scary. These last couple weeks have been so fabulous with her. I’m loving getting to be with her every day. Although she has gotten rotavirus and twisted her elbow with nursemaid’s elbow since in my full time care (GASP), I think I can get the hang of this.

She is SO much fun to be around lately! She says two or three words together often and it’s so fun to communicate with her. My favorite is her “here you go mama” or “thank you mama,” I love her sweet manners and we are working hard on please and thank you instead of outbursts like “MICKEY NOW!!!!” “No Ivy, what’s the right way to say it?” Then she’ll quietly and politely say “Mickey please,” or “peas” is more what it sounds like :) She is understanding almost everything we say, quite incredible. I love talking with her and she talks ALL DAY LONG. Goodness this girl can chat! I love it though. Except when she says it over and over and over and over again until I acknowledge what she’s saying :) But, I really am loving this stage (don’t we say that at every stage?!). The communication, the talking, the understanding, the exploring, the love, the independence, she is a walking talking little human, pretty awesome :)

I recently bought her a couple shape sorting apps and puzzles on the ipad and she can ACTUALLY drag the pieces to where they belong, like WHAAAAAT. These kids and their technology! Whoa! Amazing what they can pick up through observing, talk about having to set a good example for them! EEEK!

Ivy19monthsmin-25 Ivy19monthsmin-20 Ivy19monthsmin-18 Ivy19monthsmin-16

Watermelon dress // Pink Toms // Hair Bow // Denim Shorts // Birkenstocks // Gray Crop Top

Ivy20monthsmin-4 Ivy20monthsmin-8

She loves Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood and saw this Trolley and was SO excited to ride it!


These are the last couple of weeks (hopefully he doesn’t come early!!) with her alone… tears. I am anxious for baby brother, but it sure is fun with her right now and I’m soaking it up! She will be a great little helper. Love you Ivy!


May Day! May Day!

May 1, 2015

While this day is considered a celebration of spring with beautiful flowers and festivals and the fact that Ivy is 19 months old today, I’m thinking of the alternate and less beautiful connotation about May Day. The one where you’re screaming bloody murder and sending distress calls for help. Ya, that one. That’s how I’ve been feeling lately with this not-so-sweet-anymore 19 month old. May Day! May Day! HEEEEELP!

It all started this month. I had been warned. Once they hit the 18-19 month range, get ready. And were those people right! The terrible two’s are a real thing! But wait, she’s only 19 months, she’s only 23 lbs (53%) and 32.5 inches (63%) long! Uh oh. How could such a little thing move mountains? And not in a good way with the cute saying on the poster, I’m meaning the bad way, the one where she GETS HER WAY. So does this mean the terrible two’s are longer for us?! Oh gosh. Ivy’s theme song right now is DEFINITELY “Miss Independent,” by Kelly Clarkson. “Miss Independent, Miss Self-Sufficient, Miss Keep Your Distance, Miss Unafraid, Miss Out of My Way.” YEP. #helpme

I have to blame Mickey. He made me do it. Hearing her say “Mickey, Mickey, Mickey, Mickey” x 10 million over and over again is just toooo much for this low tolerant mom to bear. Throughout the day, she’s fine and I can distract her, but at dinner, she’s gotten into this habit of wanting it when she eats. And while I love to blame Mickey, it’s our fault too. I started playing tv for her when I would be packing my lunch for work and she’d be eating her breakfast, and possibly maybe daycare does it too? And maybe even grandma? Well, too many variables to control there, either way, she’s learned that when she eats, she gets to watch tv. And MAN, was that the wrong thing to do! I don’t mind it at breakfast, but at dinner, I like that to be family time and our down time together. It’s the only time John really gets to see her since he’s out the door early and home late. So now that this whole MICKEY obsession has happened, parenting is HARD!

I feel like the real type of parenting has begun. Since birth, Ivy’s been so well behaved and pretty easy. She goes to bed easy, sleeps her 12 hours, barely ever complains or cries, oh those sweet days. I just had to ensure she was fed, loved, and had a clean diaper. But NOW, the real parenting has begun. She’s testing us to see our limits, to see what she can get away with, to see what (annoying) behavior will get her her way. And it’s TOUGH. Parenting is hard. And confusing.

In my recent Parents magazine issue, I read this article about “Understanding How Your Toddler Sees the World,” and these words resonated with me, “A toddler’s brain hasn’t yet developed executive function — the ability to focus, exhibit control, and listen to reason. In other words, there’s no conductor in the orchestra of her mind.” Therefore, those outbursts, or I WANT I WANT I WANT, are normal, I suppose, as she has no self-control, but that doesn’t make parenting any easier. It just gives me a reason to justify giving her what she wants. Like when she HAS TO HAVE her blankie, hedgehog, and cupcake toy all while swinging. How many things can you hold at once?!

I have been feeling like a failure lately. Both times she has done this at dinner, we have eventually given in. We last about what seems like forever, in which it is actually probably 5-10 minutes of her crying and repeatedly saying Mickey, and then we give in. I KNOW we are not supposed to do that. But I’m sitting there, looking at my crying temperamental toddler, as she glances back and forth at John, then me, then John, then me, seeing who the HELL is going to turn on Mickey for her(!), when I recognize that she’s also not eating her dinner. So, either she cries through dinner and we ignore it and she doesn’t eat, or we (freaking) turn on Mickey, don’t have a nice family dinner (but really, those were out the window a long time ago anyways…), but she stops crying and actually eats her food. I’ve gone Mickey and food route both times. I can’t see my child crying AND hungry! So whatever. We have tried distracting, but that lasts about 1 minute. I know the more we turn on Mickey, the more she’s going to want it, but at some point in her life/age, I’ll be able to tell her no and she will understand, right? And maybe it won’t happen at every dinner. I don’t know, but I’m just hoping that “it’s the age” of her right now and we will have to conquer through it. I’m sure there are a million articles or parents that would tell me otherwise, but it’s all about picking your battles, am I right?

So this May Day, while I’m pulling my hair out at dinner tonight and sending distress calls, I’m going to take a breath, sit back, think about the real reason we have May Day and smell the pretty lilacs I got from my mother-in-law, and let’s face it, I’ll probably turn on Mickey.

Neon pink and purple glitter hair clips by Ryan and Wren

Ivy // 18 months

April 1, 2015

Weekend March 28-15A year and a half. Ivy is a year and a half. Inhaaaaale, exhaaaaale, big sigh. Am I really to the point where I can start calling her by the half years instead of months?! EEEEK! No no no, I’m still going to say 18 months because that sounds younger than a year and a half and I’m just not ready to go there. Ivy is 18 months, not a year and a half… well, you get my point.

This month has been some big changes! She’s starting to say “poo poo” and “pee pee” and even makes tooting noises already! Grandma Emmie has put her on the toilet a few times, HILARIOUS! I haven’t read a thing about potty training, but she is definitely showing signs! Could she really be on her way out of diapers before baby brother gets here in June?! Wouldn’t THAT be awesome! I bought her the Boon Smart Potty in turquoise. I like that it’s smaller and there are a ton of fun colors! It is hilarious! I think she could catch on pretty quick to this whole potty training thing because she already tells us poo poo when she’s gone or has to go most of the time. I’m already grossed out by cleaning out the potty though! YUCK. I guess not much different than a diaper, but for some reason it seems grosser to me! Let’s hope I don’t gag from this superwoman sense thing I have going on with my pregnancy. Anyways, I’m quite excited for this challenge! I’ve already searched some fun underwear, look at these, these, and these… GAH! I can’t imagine her running around in underwear! I’m sure I’m months away from that, but it is fun to imagine – no more diaper butt! I can see her real cute little big booty! (Oh come on! Baby butts are cute!) So ya, potty training has begun – send any tips my way! EEEEE!

Ivy 18 months-21-min

Also, she is now opening doors. Oh boy. My mom caught her in the garage today in her wagon after lunch! WHAT! She loves going outside so I’m getting a little worried she is just going to wander off to the neighbors to go on their slide or god knows where! Might need to start locking EVERYTHING! It’s begun… she’s already sneaking out #busted

She is such a big girl eating now! She is awesome at using her spoon! I got here these Oxo utensils, the spoon is nice and big for her to shovel the food in. Still working on the fork, but she’s getting it! Ivy loves to eat Kix in the morning, she begs for milk in it, but she won’t drink it at the end, or ever in fact, ugh, so weird. So she depends on water and some juices. I keep trying with the milk, but she just doesn’t like it. To keep up with her calcium I give her a yogurt or two everyday, she looooooves yogurt. Also, she’s in to having a sippy cup of water at night lately, I guess I would get thirsty if I was sleeping 12 hours too! Blessed with that! Let’s hope brother is the same :|

Ivy is loving the outdoors and going outside each day. I LOVE that she loves to be outside! We will have so much fun all summer with the nice weather and being at the lake and our cabin. I can’t wait for walks along the lake together this summer with baby boy!

Ivy 18 months-32-min

Got her some new kicks yesterday, these Merrell’s and these mary janes. I still had her in 4’s and she was a 5.5! OOOPS! She grows so fast!

Ivy 18 months-30-min

Still loving on baby “brotha.” I just love how she says it… hehehe. She is terrorizing his room nightly, going in and out of the crib, the bassinet, and the rocker. All over the place!

Ivy is a M A N I A C.

Ivy 18 months-24-min

Ivy lately

March 1, 2015

Ivy 17 months-9

Ivy is grow grow grooooowing. She is 17 months today and amazes me each day. She says or tries to say every word you ask her too. It is so impressive! She even squeals a bunch of animal noises that are too cute to handle. My favorite is her sheep, “baaaaa,” I just die each time. And the owl hoo is pretty darn adorable too.

Ivy 17 months-5

 Ivy has gotten into cartoons lately. Curious George, Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood, and Calliou are her favorites. We got her this chair and she is obsessed. I love how she scoots back into it to sit down. GAH.

Ivy 17 months-13

Ivy is so curious! Her favorite is to read a book and to learn new things. Grandmas say she is so smart! :)  She could read books ALL DAY LONG.

Ivy 17 months-15

 I think we have quite the girly girl on our hands too. She LOVES hats and shoes and recently got her toenails painted by Grandma Emmie! Emmie’s favorite is to take her to visit the butterfly house. She says Ivy really likes the fish!

Ivy toes and butterfy

I can tell she will be a good big sister. She has begun to really love her babydolls and always makes sure they have a blankie, just like she does. It’s so sweet how she lays them down all over the floor, all on a blanket! She loves to play with them.

Ivy 17 months-39

Here are some more snippets of Ivy lately

Ivy 17 months collage

Life in October

November 1, 2014

12 months 4 12 months 2 12 months 1

Ivy // 13 months today

She is babbling all the time. Her favorite is to say “no” although it’s not always used in the right context :) She’s climbing on everything, loves her slide, and is FINALLY giving hugs and kisses. SWOOOOOOON

In other news, after weeks of taking just a few steps at a time, she’s walking! Yahoo!