
Well, helllloooo there. I’m Kaylee and this is my blog. I’m wife to John and mama to Ivy (see birth story here), the most inquisitive sweet little baby girl (of course doesn’t every mom say that? But really, I think she’s pretty darn sweet), and we also have a baby boy Leo born on my birthday! June 8! (Birth story here) And now due with baby girl #3 on June 4! :)

We live in the good ole’ midwest, Sioux Falls, SD, which is where we both grew up and still appreciate today. I was a 6th grade science teacher for eight years but am now staying home with the kids! My husband owns John Koch Construction. We were married July 20, 2012 and have had so many fun memories since then! Raising a family has definitely been a highlight!

Ha, I think my blog name is pretty good, huh? I had to chuckle. Witty or not, Ivy really is the Apple of My Eye.  This blog is about her and Leo and all of the craziness and love surrounding this parenting gig, lots of fashion posts for moms and children, and all around a Mommy and Lifestyle blog bundled together. This is the story of my life (thank you One Direction) about a charming little girl, a handsome little boy, and her parents. So expect some funny pictures from my husband’s hilarious antics with the kids, and some cute pictures from me to show off how adorable they are.

So, Welcome! Thanks for stopping by.

14 thoughts on “About

  1. Emilee Kunz

    Kaylee, you have a blog!…and a wonderful one at that! This makes me even more excited to become a Mom. Thank you for such an inspiring, positive and fun outlook on parenthood. I simply CANNOT wait. |emilee|

  2. Jenna

    I love this! I think it is such a great idea because I know I would love to see more pictures of your beautiful family. I cannot wait to meet my beautiful baby cousin!

    1. Kaylee Post author

      Thanks Jenna!!! It will be GREAT to have family see Ivy grow up from Wyoming. Now you all just need to meet her, this summer hopefully!

  3. Kristin Holoch

    Hi Kaylee,
    I know John from way back when I was in medical school with Timmy. I saw that you have a blog of your adorable little girl! It’s so fun to see her pics. She is absolutely precious! We actually have babies that are super close in age. My Annalise was born Sept 10. I don’t have a fancy blog though, but yours is great. Maybe I’ll do one someday…. Anyway, just thought I’d say hi!

  4. Anonymous

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