Mother’s Day

May 12, 2014

A “mother.” Well, I was curious to see what really is a “mother.” If you google it, you get two definitions. 1 – noun – a woman in relation to a child or children to whom she has given birth; a female parent. 2 – verb – bring up (a child) with care and affection; to care for or protect like a mother; act maternally toward

This definition made me all warm and fuzzy inside thinking back to all of our memories together so far as mother and daughter

1 – Wow, I BIRTHED another human being. Bring me back to my pregnancy and labor (only the good memories please), and how interesting and new it was to learn about how the human body grows inside of you. One week, the size is compared to a raspberry, and the next week, it’s as big as a watermelon! And now, we have this curious little 17lb bundle of joy with 5 fingers and 5 toes and chubby little cheeks and chubby little thighs… our very own daughter that we call our baby Ivy. Pretty incredible.

2 – To bring up a child with care and affection. My momma Caleen was a perfect definition of this. My parents gave us so much love, care, and affection. We are always saying “I love you,” and hugging and letting each other know that we are special. I love this about my family, it always really feels like we belong to a family. In it together, through thick and thin. John and I have certainly raised Ivy with a TON of care and affection. It’s the best when I hear John counting the number of kisses (“…ten, eleven, twelve!”) he’s given her so far in the mornings, it’s soooo damn sweet and cute. I love to see a man get all lovey dovey! I just always want Ivy to know how special she is and how much her Mommy and Daddy love her.

Now, Mother’s Day has a whole new meaning to me. I also get to celebrate BEING a mom now. I loved seeing all of the pictures of Mothers with their babies and children yesterday! It was so much fun to see how very very happy we all were!  It’s pretty exciting, this special day called Mother’s Day. A day to celebrate your mother and show them they’re appreciated. A day to be with family and friends. A day to reflect on your job as a mother. A day to think into the future of how Ivy will see me as mother in 5 years, or 10, or 20… A day to just appreciate being a Mom.

Yes, there was a lot to celebrate, but I couldn’t help but think of some certain people on this day. The mothers who we are missing, Jane, and Becca, and how Anna and Nora were without you yesterday, how I wished I could have heard you say, “Happy First Mother’s Day,” or how I wished I could have told you Happy Mother’s Day. Also, the mothers who aren’t mothers yet, but are trying so hard to be. I wish they could all just get pregnant right away to be able to celebrate this mother’s day like I am celebrating. And lastly, to the mothers who have lost a child, and how that child isn’t there to tell their mother Happy Mother’s Day. I just keep thinking about blogger Jacqui (@babyboybakery, Baby Boy Bakery Blog) and how she lost her son Ryan (#redballoonsforryan… saddest story, her 3.5 year old son got hit by a truck last Friday, May 2 and passed away). That would truly be unbearable. And my sister Jillian and her husband’s baby nephew Charlie who passed away last weekend while waiting for a heart transplant. So, my hats are off to these moms, as a little piece of my Mother’s Day, goes out to you.

Ending on a happy note, this day will certainly be one to remember and one to look forward to every year, remembering our #1 job…. to be a mother :) Hope you all had a WONDERFUL Mother’s Day.

 Here’s a snipet of pics into my First Mother’s Day weekend


Waking up Saturday morning at our cabin in Yankton!

Time for spring cleanin’ and walks by the river!


Perfect outfit from Erin and Natalie! “Happy First Mother’s Day Mommy”


Starin’ at the waves



Nice little Sunday night by the outdoor fireplace

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