Last Day of Preschool 2017/2018

May 18, 2018

Last day of schoooooooool!!! Ivy is SO excited about summer and so am I! This year flew by and Ivy and Leo grew leaps and bounds! Leo’s last day was actually last Wednesday, but Ivy’s last day is today!

Here’s the first day of school in September (that post here)! Leo’s hair is sooo blond and long! Cutie! And oh gosh, I remember Ivy wearing two different shoes all the time! Had totally forgotten about that! So funny.

And here’s the last day of school!

Leo grew up a ton!! So cute! His hair is turning so much darker! And he’s so much taller! Ivy hasn’t changed too much. Both cuties!

Leo had his first year at Kids Day Out at Memorial Lutheran and he loved it! It was just two days a week from 9-1130. Just enough time to give me some time with Faye and Leo to have some fun play time. He went into school at the beginning of the year, hardly talking! Now he’s full on sentences and talks non-stop! I can tell he learned some great manners and ways to play and how to share with friends and listen to teachers. He can even count to 20 and knows all his colors! Go Leo! So proud of how much he’s grown this year! I loved the program, great for 2 year olds.

Ivy had her second year of preschool at Central as a Busy Beaver.  She LOVED Miss Debbie and Miss Mary and also grew so much this year! She learned how to write her name, can recognize many of the letters in the alphabet, and knows all of her numbers by sight! So awesome! She really excelled this year and I’m so proud of her! Excited to work with her more this summer, total teacher in me!!! :)

I asked Ivy and Leo a few questions this morning to see how their answers changed as they went through the school year. I did this with Ivy last year (see that post here) and her answers were cute and funny!

First day of school answers on the top, last day of school answers on the bottom

What’s your name?
Ivy: Ivy

Leo: Yeo (Can’t quite say his L’s too good yet, haha)
Leo: Leo! (Yay!!! Got his L!!!)

How old are you?
Ivy: 3, but almost 4!! (October 1st, same birthday as her teacher!)
Ivy: Four and a half!

Leo: 2
Leo: 2 and a half!

What’s your favorite food?
Ivy: Chicken strips
Ivy: Chicken strips and a burger

Leo: Daddy’s cereal (He loves Daddy’s Wheaties!!!)
Leo: Mac and cheese and french fries and chicken nuggets (yup, real healthy!!!)

What’s your favorite color?
Ivy: Pink and purple and golden and silver
Ivy: Pink and purple and golden and silver (WOW! Even said it in the same order! HAHA!)

Leo: Blue!
Leo: Green!

What’s your favorite toy to play with?
Ivy: My lamby (she said this last year too and she did love it, but this year she just found it last night after all summer not playing with it and now is loving it again, so weird… I swear she probably just remembers these questions and remembers her response from last year! This girl doesn’t forget!)
Ivy: Lamby and my dolls (Seriously! The lamby again! She hasn’t touched it ALL YEAR!!!! Too funny. Definitely just remembers her responses from last year! LOL!)

Leo: Dump truck!
Leo: (farting mouth noise, ugh!) Dump trucks!!!! Yay!!!

What do you love the most?
Ivy: Faye (OMG, so cute)
Ivy: Ummmmmmmb. Mommy and Faye (Well ooooooh kay, swoon)

Leo: Trucks
Leo: Diggers and dump trucks

What do you want to be when you grow up?
Ivy: A dentist
Ivy: Belle with magic powers and long hair (Oh wow, okay, definite switch in career goals, haha!)

Leo: A mouse (Not quite sure he understood that career lesson that he hasn’t had yet, haha)
Leo: A fireman! And you can be a fire truck. And Ivy, you can be a fireman with me! (Too cute!) Or wait, no, I wanna be a monster truck! I’m gonna be Iron Man! (Then rambled about monster trucks!)

Too funny. I love seeing how they’ve changed.

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