‘Tis the season! Merry Merry Christmas! Ours was quite wonderful and was an entire month of festivities! Starting out with our favorite event, the Polar Express at Minnehaha Country Club! It’s so much fun and they really make it just like the book and it’s totally adorable! The arrive in their pjs, get a golden ticket and head on to the train to the North Pole to see Santa! Ivy couldn’t wait to tell him everything she wanted, and she has been a very good girl this year! :) Leo had no fear this year either! He of courses wants a million monster trucks and a remote control truck. Obsessed!
Leo the conductor! :)
Now on to Christmas! Merry Merry Christmas! Just gets better and better the older these kids get. All the magic in their eyes! Love it all!
Very special this year as Ivy was more and more curious about Santa. I really had to be careful what I was saying and make sure I had my facts right! It was so fun to see all the magic in her eyes with all of her festive spirit. And Faye was just there for the presents and cookies! :) Haha!
Hope you all had a Merry Christmas! Jesus is BORN!