So long, Black Rock Circle!

October 30, 2018

Today was a rough day! We are officially MOVED OUT of our house! We hauled our last few boxes out of the beautiful home, did a few loops and reminisced, slowly shut the door behind us, and I couldn’t even look back because of the tears in my eyes, such a bittersweet feeling.

As I was walking around the house, remembering a happy memory in each room, the hardest rooms for me to be in were the kids’ bedrooms. We brought all three of our babies home to this house. We grew into parents in this house. We have watched them grow up from babies to crawlers to walkers and to crazy spunky fun toddlers. We held them as they cried and hugged them as they were happy in this house.  We saw them all take their first steps in this house. All those memories within these walls. I think what is hardest is that these kids won’t even remember this house. They’re all so young. They won’t remember me rocking them to bed as babies in their bedrooms, or teaching them how to go potty in the bathrooms, or teaching them how to ride a bike in the driveway. That’s what’s so weird. All of our memories in this house are just that, memories. Memories we will take with us as we shut that door for the last time.

Tomorrow is the closing. And as we pass over the keys, I’m sure I’ll cry, but thinking of what’s to come for our family will be sure to bring me some joy. New memories to look forward to. New places all over the house to make memories in. New bedrooms to rock them and hug them and kiss them in. New bathrooms to get messy with their toothpaste all over the sinks. New stairs to fall down. New yard to run around and play in. Everything will be new and exciting and fun, and new memories will replace the old.

So, here’s to NEW for the kids and John and I. New neighbors to make friends with (although I’m going to miss our neighborhood soooo much!! We have loved our neighbors and neighborhood and this next neighborhood has HUGE shoes to fill!!!). New kitchen to host best friends and family at. New patio to have that relaxing glass of wine at night in. All new. New for us and the kids. We are excited, yet we are sad. And perhaps the sad is more than the happy right now, but this teeter-totter will give weight to the other side at some point, and I’ll be happy about this new house again. Until then, I’ll just immerse myself in all these memories and hang on as tight as I can! So long, Black Rock Circle! We loved you!!!!


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