Ivy is 5! Our spunky and sweet little baby girl is 5! Ivy is seeming so mature and grown up lately and even so responsible. She is such a little caretaker to her brother and sister and she gives Faye a bazillion kisses and hugs a day. She’s constantly saying, “She’s just sooooo cute!!!!” It’s pretty adorable! She has been so responsible lately too, such a first child rule follower. A really good girl, albeit a tattle tale on Leo most of the time, but, she’s always trying to do the right thing :)
We had so much fun celebrating her this past weekend! She has been wanting to go to the American Girl Doll store in Minneapolis, so we opted for a trip instead of a party this year and headed to the cities for shopping fun and riding rides!
When she entered American Girl, she ABOUT DIED. We get the catalog so she has been talking about this Tenney Doll FOREVER and she searched and searched and searched for it until she found it! She grabbed it right off the shelf and would hardly let go! So obsessed already. She found one extra outfit to go with it and headed upstairs for lunch in the bistro. It’s so cute how they have high chairs for the dolls and little placemats and cups for them too. Such an experience! Leo even loved the doll he got to borrow! Haha! Ivy loved every second!
After lunch, Ivy wanted to get her dolls hair done, which is so cute. The salon offers tons of different hair styles and Ivy wanted the half braid twist and also fingernail polish. She was in awe of how pretty her doll was! Oh to be 5! Haha
After the American Girl experience we rode rides the rest of the day and by then the kids were exhausted! AMAZING that it’s all right there in the Mall of America – didn’t even have to leave! Love this place!
Then on Monday was her ACTUAL BIRTHDAY!!! (Read her birth story here) She got to be student of the week at school where I got to come in and read to the class (my favorite!!!! I was a teacher in my previous life!!!) and we brought a big cookie cake for the class to share. She had a little lunch playdate with some friends after then had dinner with the grandparents and family that night! Big day! So fun spoiling her and making her feel as special as she is to us. We love you so much Ivy!
Here are some of my favorite pictures of her from this year!
Birthday pics from the birth – 5 years! Look at how she’s grown!
We love you Ivy!!! xoxo