Baby #3 // 40 Weeks

June 4, 2017

Well, not too happy that I’m doing another post on this pregnancy! Due date is TODAY so I guess I better document it! : / Humph. Whew, 40 weeks, what a journey! Can’t believe I made it to my due date. Leo was such a tease at 10 days early, I was hoping for another baby to be a few days early. BUT! I’m reminded of the 40 reasons to go the full 40, and that does make me happy that she is cooking in there growing healthy and building up her brain more! So I guess I’ll be gracious for that! I was two days late with Ivy, so these Koch girls just like to be late! I started getting some lower ab cramps yesterday and still now today, so hopefully that means she’s coming sooner than later. Leo and I’s birthday (Yes!! We share birthdays!!) is this Thursday, June 8th, so if this baby is seriously four days late, that will be IIIIIINSANE!

Here’s a recap of my 40 week baby bump!

20 weeks // 24 weeks // 28 weeks // 33 weeks // 37 weeks // 40 weeks

How far along: 40 weeks – due date TODAY
Gender: Baby Girl
Weight gain: 29 lbs – gained 29 total with Leo (and he was 10 days early) and 27 with Ivy (and she was 2 days late)

Names: We spent almost ALL day yesterday talking names!!! We’ve had a list of about four that we like, but John likes two and I like another two! Ha! So we chatted a ton about the reasons we like the names and don’t like the names and I think we FINALLY maybe have one! I just don’t know if I believe that whole, “you’ll know when you see her” thing that people say when the baby comes out. I like to be a little more prepared than that! So I’d say we have one, but I have a second in my back pocket, just in case I get spooked by the one we chose! ; ) I love to use Nameberry, so nicely organized and a great resource. And the list of the top 1000 names for 2016 just came out. Fun to browse!

Last Doctor’s check-up: Last Tuesday. Baby’s heart rate was 149 and I was 3cm dilated and 100% effaced. I got up to 4 cm dilated and 100% effaced before labor ensued with both Ivy and Leo, so hoping for the same. Otherwise baby checked out great! Next appt this Tuesday if I still haven’t had her.

Maternity clothes: UGH, I don’t even want to talk about maternity clothes! I want out of them! Especially with summer in full swing now, these temps! WHEW! Live in dresses so you can get some air down there :) This dress is beautiful floral. But basically give me anything black (like this dress or this dress I’m wearing in the pics which is non-maternity) to hide this bump (and probably sweat!) a little bit. And if you need a maternity swimsuit, this one is or this one is adorable! Otherwise, looking for things for after baby now! I found this dress for newborn/family pics and it’s so pretty. Or just plain beautiful white would be lovely also! And give me allllll the rompers for after too. I love how they’re a little baggy and will hide the bump. Except when you have to fully undress to go to the bathroom, ugh! Haha. This romper and this romper are calling my name.

Here are some more of favorites out there!
Swipe right to see more products, then click the arrow to view even more

Sleep: Besides staying up late last night with my brain going wild on a name, I’ve been catching as many zzzzzs as possible! Sleeping well thankfully.

Best moment this month: Getting the girls’ shared room completed! Can’t wait for them to share a room, I hope the transition goes okay once she sleeps through the night. See their cute room here. I just need a rug! Thinking maybe this one… but I’m so indecisive!

Worst moment this month: So much sciatic nerve pain! She’s really down there pushing hard against it! Oh and getting into a swimsuit… that was no fun. UGH.

To Do: Just have this baby!!! With Leo being early, I went into psycho mode a couple weeks ago and got everything basically done. So now I’ve just been waiting! My bag is packed (see that post here with a fun Rebekah Scott Designs bag) and we are ready to go!

Now come on baby! Please, I don’t need THREE birthdays on June 8! :) Leo and Ivy want to play!

2 thoughts on “Baby #3 // 40 Weeks

  1. Stephanie

    I love reading your posts!! And my due date IS June 8th, so I’m eager to see if my girl (also a girl!) will come soon! Thank you for your awesome blog posts!

    1. Kaylee Post author

      Awe thanks Stephanie!!! Your due date IS June 8th?! Great date! :) We might be delivering on the same date then! Lots of June 8 birthdays, that would be NUTS! And thank you for reading!! Good luck on your delivery and enjoy your baby girl when she arrives!


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