Baby Faves

May 17, 2017

You’d think you have it all… after three kids, I mean, you’d think you have it all. Clothes, blankets, gear, e v e r y t h i n g baby. But there are always new things out there that I reaaaally just can’t resist! With each child, there has been that thing I really need (or let’s be honest… want) and just have to have.

With Ivy, it was the Ergobaby and JuJuBe diaper bag, I knew I had to have them!! Plus all of the cute Aden and Anais swaddles. Then with Leo, it was the Baby Bjorn so he could face in or out, super soft June and January swaddles, the UppaBaby Vista stroller so I could fit two kids in there, and of course the Solly Baby wrap, because I was actually going to do some baby wearing with him! And I did! A lot!

Now, with baby number three, I’m again finding things that I must have! Or just really want to try :) Some brands are new, some brands have been around for awhile, either way, I’ve seen them around and have always wanted them! So I’m stocking up with all my baby faves for our last babe! Here they are! And some things for Mama too :)

diaper bag // swaddle // swaddle set // sling // nursing cover // robe

Diaper bag – Starting with this diaper bag. I really do love my JuJuBe one, it’s super functional, stylish, and easy to use. But I have been eyeing these Fawn Design bags FOR-E-VER but could never get myself to splurge on one. A few months ago they had the blush bag 50% off because the manufacturer had the wrong label, or something, so they were selling them on discount. I was super excited, set my clock, and bought one the second they went on sale! I LOVE the look of it and I am so pumped to use it with this new baby!

Swaddle – Clementine Kids is a very new brand (isn’t the name adorable!!!) of swaddles and quilts and OH SO PRETTY. I love all of the pretty floral prints and they are super soft! So beautiful. I got the the raspberry peony and I might just have to buy the buttercup blossom one too :)

Swaddle set – The other swaddles I’ve always loved are the Little Unicorn ones. Again, super fun and pretty prints very very soft blankets. I got the Morning Glory swaddle set and I looooove the light purple in them.

Sling – I’ve gone from the Ergo, to the Bjorn, to the Sollybaby (which I love and still plan to use!) and now I want to try a ring sling! I fell in love with the WildBird ones, although there there are tons of brands out there, I just love the style, the colors, and the girl who created them (@taylorgolden) is totally awesome. Again, I set my alarm clock for the spring launch a couple months ago and got my Cassin Wrap! I can’t wait to try it out!

Nursing cover – THESE NURSING COVERS. Why didn’t I have one with Ivy or Leo?! Especially Leo, that’s when I kind of started to see them around.  I love that there are so many uses for it – nursing cover, car seat cover, scarf, and shopping cart cover. Genius item! I bought this Covered Goods one and a friend gifted me this Milk Snob one, both are very soft and fun prints!

Robe – Lastly, a robe!! MUST HAVE in the hospital! I didn’t have a robe with Ivy, bought just some cheap one from Target for Leo, and now I see these pretty Pink Blush delivery robes around everywhere! So many fun solids and prints and they offer short or long. I opted for the long taupe floral one and it’s sooooo pretty.

Pretty excited about these new finds! What are some of your favorites with your babes??

I’m 37.5 weeks (because I totally count the halfs at this point!) and super anxious to meet this baby! Can’t wait to use all these new pretty swaddles and gear with her! :)


2 thoughts on “Baby Faves

  1. Stephanie

    Hey Kaylee! I really enjoy reading your blog posts! I am due just 4 days after you (with my first), so I love all the timely posts you’ve had! I was wondering if you’ve tried tula blankets or the Tula carrier? I’ve been looking at those as one of the baby splurges I want to get!
    Also, how is the texture of the clementine swaddles? I also have really been into the Little Unicorn swaddles, although I discovered there is a difference between their deluxe swaddles and their cotton muslin swaddles – and after I bought a deluxe swaddle I didn’t want to buy anything but those because they are just so soft! I got the fairy print and the one with gold stripes, which are being packed in my hospital bag!

    1. Kaylee Post author

      Hi Stephanie! OOOO we are so close to having our babes! You’re due on mine and Leo’s birthday then, June 8?! I’m hoping I’m not 4 days late so then I have 3 birthdays on the same day, that would be NUTS! Anyways, I have never tried the Tula blankets or carrier, super cute prints though and they seem like really good blankets. I actually had never even heard of that brand, so thanks for introducing!

      The Clementine swaddles are soft, not as soft as the Little Unicorn ones, but very similar. I think with some washes they’ll exceed my expectations. Really great blankets for a company that’s brand new! And I hear ya on the deluxe, SOOO soft! And actually, I really love June and January swaddle blankets. They’re more stretchy and I felt like I could always get a nice tight swaddle with it. And those are reasonably priced! So many choices out there, I am such a sucker for blankets :)

      Hope the rest of your pregnancy goes well!!
      – Kaylee


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