Friday Finds // 2.17.17

February 17, 2017

TGIF! And could it be any more gorgeous out?! 60 and sunny today! WHEW! Middle of February, I’ll take it! I plan on spending as much time as possible outside this weekend. Kids are loving getting outside too, might have to go on a bike ride!

I haven’t done Friday Finds forever! I miss them! And with finding some fun new baby items and maternity clothes, I need to get back on the wagon! So many great things out there.

Here’s some Friday Finds!

Fashion Finds

Saw this robe on a new mama and it looks PERFECT for the delivery room! Love the feminine floral print and it looks super cozy. Must have!

Target has amazing shoes right now!! Love all the DV shoes. I got these blush sneakers and these lace up pumps (50% off!!!)

These shoes are also fabulous! And come in so many colors!

White distressed jeans are my fave. Definitely need to find these in maternity.

This is BRIGHT YELLOW. But kinda loving it :)

Still obsessed with ruffles.

Found three new small shops that I’m obsessed with their little girl items! First is Remie Girl and  these dresses for Ivy are sooo beautiful! Recently found her shop on Instagram and I’m loving her stuff! The mauve color is MMMMM. And I KNOW Ivy would stuff about 5 hoarder little items in those pockets to carry along with her during the day! Second is Emmies Room with super cute items! Love their bonnets and linen dresses! Sooo adorable. Third is Ele Story and this dress I am obsessed with! How freaking cute is the lilac color, SWOON. Easter dress maybe?!

Links I Love

How adorable are these little necklaces for girls! Ivy is really getting into jewelry and these are so perfect.

Spindle beds and cribs are my favorite! And Target just launched a super cute one in 4 different colors! LOVE.

Bachelor. Yes. I like Corinne! Even though she’s cray. But I mostly always like her LIP COLOR! So I searched it out and she wears Kylie Cosmetics – Candy K matte lipstick with the Koko K lip gloss over it. I keep hearing about Kylie lip stuff, might have to try it!

These basket planters match our house perfectly! NEED them!

This modern high chair is FAB-u-lous

Obsessed with Rifle Paper Company prints and just LOOK AT THESE CHAIRS. d-r-e-a-m-y

Have a great weekend everybody!

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