Baby Number Three Is… !!!!

January 11, 2017

Yesterday we had our ultrasound, and first and foremost, baby is HEALTHY and growing perfectly!!! That is such a relief. While it’s soooooo exciting for us to find out the gender, it’s so nerve-wracking going in there making sure everything is fine with the baby. So after that hurdle was crossed, we had the sonographer stuff an envelope with our gender in it and there it sat on our counter just STARING at me until our date night (#torture)!  John said it hit him like a freight train, he thought it was a girl! I on the other hand, was super nervous thinking it was going to be a boy! I don’t know why boys make me so nervous, the other gender I guess, but they do! Even after how sweet Leo is, I was so nervous thinking it was going to be a boy!  So, babysitter arrived, and John and I headed downtown to M.B. Hastkett. We hardly even got our drinks before we opened the envelope!

Drum roll please…. Baby Koch #3 is a….

letterboard | bows

YIPPEE!!!!!! Ivy is going have a little mini me! I can’t WAIT to see the girls play together! Ivy is SOOOOOOOOOO excited! She wanted a girl!

I always wanted a sister for Ivy since I grew up with two sisters very close in age, however, I also wanted a brother for Leo, so I was pretty indifferent, well more like 60/40 girl, so I AM PUMPED that Ivy will have a sister!!!! Sorry Leo!

I was looking at Leo yesterday thinking, I only want one Mama’s boy!! So I guess I get my one sweet boy and my two drama filled princess girls! :) Leo will be surrounded by girls! EEEK!

Just love him in that photo, so sweet. He will be such a good big brother!!! I can’t wait to see him with the baby. He loves babies!

So excited about another girl! Ivy and baby will be sharing a room together, already having images of girl talk up late at night! :)

Thanks for all of your sweet comments yesterday! We are so excited

citrine sweater | shoes | jeans | ivy’s dress | ivy’s tightsivy’s boots | leo’s shirt and pants |

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