Happiest At Home

February 24, 2016

Since becoming a stay-at-home Mom, it’s been such a whirlwind. Leaving my teaching job to be able to stay home with our kids was a difficult decision, but watching our children grow up right in front of me, and me being able to raise them each day, has been the greatest gift I could receive (thanks Hubs!). I am soooo very happy that I get to spend so much time with them and teach them about life. Being with them makes me so incredibly happy.


Getting the chance to see their personalities take shape has been the highlight. We had the opportunity to take in-home photos with Amie Hansen Photography. I was so excited to be in our natural environment at home and for her to really capture what it’s like in my daily life with Ivy and Leo. I’ll have to say I am SO happy with the photos! There are so many special moments captured from our days at home and interactions between the kids and I and Ivy and Leo together. They turned out AMAZING! She truly captured Ivy’s spunk and hilarious antics, while also capturing sweet Leo and his loving side. And the biggest capture… a Mother’s love. I think they are PERFECT! We are definitely HAPPIEST AT HOME :)


Ivy has become so spunky and is a gazillion miles an hour! She’s so hilarious and I just can’t get enough of her! I mean, that smile is contagious :)

ivy and hedgehog

 And then you get her to sit for like two seconds and get a tad of a cuddle, and then I’m drawn in even more. LOVE.

Sibling interaction… I CAN’T GET ENOUGH OF IT!!! Ivy is pretty sweet on Leo and she is always trying to copy him, it’s so funny! The baby things she does are hysterical!
koch0017 koch0014Then, there’s LEO. My boooooy, so sweet. Just loves kisses and close holds from his Mama. And his two fingers :) His tired signal.

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Come on Leo, crawl crawl! Milestone captured! CHECK!
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Mama and son moments. So cherished.


Hehe, Ivy being her silly self. Quite the entertainer! All eyes on her! Passing time with an easy game of peek-a-boo full of laughter :)

koch0045 koch0044 Peekaboo

And then there’s “Mama’s bed,” as Ivy calls it. A warm naturally lit room where everyone can cuddle and play together in a comfy spot. koch0101koch0104koch0097koch0099 koch0066 koch0105 koch0079 Onbed

And that’s why I love being a Mom. The hugs, kisses, cuddles, and laughs are what makes my days joyful. I can’t get enough of these two and indeed, I’ll cherish these captured moments between mom, daughter, son, sister and brother… forever.

Photos by Amie Hansen Photography

My white tee // Ivy’s dress (old from Tea Collection, similar here and here) // Hairbow // Leo’s onesie // Leo’s pants


3 thoughts on “Happiest At Home

  1. Pingback: Leo Turns TWO! - Apple of My Ivy

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