Valentine’s Day Style with Your Mini Me

January 26, 2016

Valentine’s Day is approaching! As a holiday filled with shades of pink, it certainly has Ivy written ALL over it! I know my daughter well enough that I can bet she will definitely want to wear a tutu and tights combo, she’s obsessed lately! And these (this and this) tutus are really pretty pinks! Leo should most certainly wear pink too :) This pink striped shirt would look ultra loveable and rad on him. And we can’t forget about the Moms! I can’t decide if I’m liking sweet or spicy on V-day, but I’m totally into blouses right now so either way I can’t go wrong with the two below! We don’t have plans yet, but may just have to call our trip to the Bahamas our Valentine’s Day date. A romantic dinner by the turquoise water? Yes, please. XOXO

What are your plans for Valentine’s Day? It’s on a Sunday so date night Saturday!

Here’s some Mommy and mini me style inspiration! Happy Valentine’s Day!

Valentine's Day Mini Me Style

Mama – jeans // necklace // blush blouse // red earrings // pink and red blouse

Girl – heart shirt // b&w leggings // hugs and kisses shirt // tutu // heart leggings // flats

Boy – one-piece // pink button down shirt // jeans

Ok, just gonna say it, girl’s clothes are WAY cuter than boys for Valentine’s Day!! But nothing like a cutie patootie boy in a little pink! Leo will be sweet as ever! And Ivy will be her little princess self in her tutu! Both, equally adorable :)

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  1. Pingback: Fantastic February! - Apple of My Ivy

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