Potty Training… here we come!

July 30, 2015


Boon pipes // whale // potty

The other day, Ivy had ones of those number twos that made me scream out WHY THE HECK ARE YOU STILL IN DIAPERS! I decided, ok, you’re getting potty trained, that’s it. This is disgusting.

I had bought this BabyBjorn Smart Potty at 18 months because she had started showing a bit of interest. She went on it a few times, well then I had Leo, and her potty training took a step aside. But now we are all geared up to go diaper free!

I started researching potty training and came across a “How to Potty Train in 3 Days” method. 3 DAYS?! That’s amazing! I read more and decided this was the approach I wanted to take. For more info, these are the sites I used – here (this is the main one I’m using), here, and herePull-ups.com has a ton of good resources too!

With Julie Fellom’s Diaper Free Toddlers program, this site (here) gives step by step tricks on how to potty train in three days. It starts with a month in advance and now I’m onto the tips for a week before you start. Right now I am showing her the stack of diapers and telling her that “When the diapers are gone, they’re gone, mommy isn’t buying anymore and so you’ll have to use the potty. You’ll get to be naked and then you can wear fun Minnie Mouse underwear!” She replies, “Ok Mommy.” It’s pretty cute!!! And we just bought this book called Potty and Ivy loves it! She has the one called Toot by the same author and it has the same baby character that she has fun reading about. We also bought this one called Big Girl Panties that is really fun too! So I’m basically trying to shove anything about using the potty down her throat :) Oh and I might be turning underwear obsessed – look at how adorable these and these and these are!

Potty-3Next week when we start the training, they basically are just naked for three days straight. No training pants or pull ups, just straight from diapers, to naked for three days, to underwear. Although during the three days you do put a diaper on at naps and bedtime. I’m anxious to see how it works!

Yesterday, I had her go on the potty when she woke up and she went! And then today, she’s gone on the potty three times when I have made her sit on it! And the second time she was walking around the bathroom and she actually sat down to go! That was exciting. So I think we are headed in the right direction.

This three day program doesn’t make you use incentives or rewards, but I think I’m going to, that just sounds more fun :) Plus Ivy is totally into stickers right now! I made a very simple one, just with pee and poop. There are tons out there, but I liked a simple easy one where she can put the sticker on herself.

We are going to start with the three days next week Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, so I’ll let you know how it goes! Have any of you used this approach? I hope it works! Wish me luck!


2 thoughts on “Potty Training… here we come!

  1. Pingback: Big Fat Fail #pottytraining - Apple of My Ivy

  2. Pingback: Friday Finds // 12.18.15 - Apple of My Ivy

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