Ikea Latt Table hack

January 20, 2015

Ikea Latt Hack copy

I browsed and browsed for the perfect children’s table for the playroom. I of course wanted this Land of Nod table because I’m obsessed with Land of Nod, but could not get myself to pay that price, then also have to buy the chairs. I also found this KidKraft table that was white and had four fun bright colored chairs that came with it, but I didn’t LOVE the chair colors. Well then I found the Ikea Latt children’s table and BINGO. For $20 for the table and two chairs, I knew I could work with this. And there are a TON of ways to spruce up the table (just google “Ikea Latt hack”).

I found two online tutorials (here and here) that provided my lack of DIY talent just enough confidence to try this out on my own – to paint the table white and add seat cushions. I couldn’t wait to get started!

Here is the table before – I actually debated on not doing anything to it once I saw it together! It really matched her kitchen nicely, buuuut, I decided to go for it and paint it white.

Playroom-1 Playroom-5

Let’s get started painting!

Playroom-6 Playroom-7


Playroom-12 Playroom-22

Much better :)

Next, I wanted to add the seat cushions. I bought the fabric from Minted – they have a ton of really cute ones, it was so hard to decide! I eventually went with this handdrawn scalloped fabric in the blue and pink. I love it!


Again, follow these tutorials to get the cushions on, they are really helpful and easy to follow (here and here)

Playroom-13 Playroom-14 Playroom-16Playroom-19 Playroom-20Playroom-21

Ta da!


See the Playroom Reveal here

See Ivy’s Playroom Favorites here

3 thoughts on “Ikea Latt Table hack

  1. Pingback: Playroom Favorites | Apple of My Ivy

  2. Mei-ting Chen

    Hi! I’ve been working on my own hack of the IKEA LATT using ideas from those two blogs you mentioned as well! I was wondering, since your post is from this year, whether your table and chairs have support slats underneath them? I saw some from several other older posts from 2013/2014 that seemed to show they had additional support but the current ones do not. Am wondering if yours don’t, whether you noticed any structural issues? Has your LO tried climbing onto the table or standing on it or the chairs? Am worried about it caving in now, especially after all the work to customize it!

    1. Kaylee Koch

      Hello! There are no support slats underneath. All there is is a thin sheet of hard cardboard type thing (like this http://cooklikeachampion.com/2014/11/ikea-latt-table-hack/). As far as structural issues, the fabric cushions were very hard to get on! It didn’t just “slide in easily” like the other tutorials said. I had to hammer mine in and one of the backs cracked :/ Plus, the chairs definitely aren’t sturdy enough for much weight at all, like an adult could not sit on it. I tried once and it cracked a bit so I never did again! My Ivy has not tried to stand on the table or chairs, but I would say they easily support her weight when sitting without any problems, she’s 22 pounds right now. Overall, it’s sturdy enough for kids! Even if it does break, the table was $20, so you can always get a new one! :) But I haven’t had any issues so far besides the cracked back of the chair putting the cushion in. Pretty good table overall. Good luck!


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