Home and Dainty Obsessions Magazine

January 13, 2015

I absolutely love our home. John and I used to run by it once in a while before we owned it and would dream about what was inside. It wasn’t until one day when we noticed it was for sale and lo and behold, his brother (Jeff Koch @ Sold By Koch Realtors, shameless plug) had it listed! We couldn’t wait to contact him to get a peek inside. Well, the stars aligned just perfectly, and pretty soon, we were home owners! We were ecstatic to get into our dream house!

We have lived here for 13 months now and I’m still obsessed with it. We love to entertain, and it has the most fabulous gourmet kitchen and backyard covered patio to have our friends and family over for any type of shenanigan (My 30th birthday party and Ivy’s 1st birthday to name a couple).

John and I were asked by the lovely Valerie Sampson, creator and editor of Dainty Obsessions magazine, a gorgeous wedding magazine filled with the latest wedding inspiration and resources for the Midwest bride (check it out if you haven’t, it’s GORG!), to be their first couple for their “Newlyweds at Home” edition. We were excited to share our married life and home! A bit personal, but, eh… :)

Click HERE to go to the online edition of the magazine

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Photo Jan 13, 7 51 35 PM DO

Photo Jan 13, 7 51 19 PM

photo by dainty obsessions

Love that Ivy’s room even made the magazine! See more of her nursery here

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Photo Nov 01, 7 23 13 PM

photo by dainty obsessions

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We have been lucky to be featured in the magazine twice before, as models for a styled shoot in their first issue (I was the cover model! EEE!!) and a peek into our adventure-filled honeymoon to Montana (which I SOOOO want to relive someday!). So we weren’t exactly newcomers, but, this time was extra special because it was just about us!

Here are some pics from the previous issues we were in

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Pretty huh! I just love the magazine, it’s so gorgeous and so well done.

Ivy and I were even on the news for the magazine! Watch the video below or read the story from Keloland here when Dainty Obsessions marked their first year.  EEEK, Ivy is barely one month old here! So funny to see her so itty bitty!

Convinced the magazine is AMAZING yet?! Bc it is!! Get your winter issue asap, only on the shelves for another couple weeks. It is sold all over the region – I got mine at Barnes and Noble. Perfect gift for you or your newly engaged friend, or buy one for yourself to just gaze at the gorgeous photos :)

Or! Read the Dainty Obsessions online edition below to see more of our married life and pics at home and any of the past issues. (Our article, “Newlyweds at Home,” begins on p.114)

——————-Click HERE to go to the online edition of the magazine

Also, check out Valerie’s husband, an incredible photographer here in Sioux Falls – Jeff Sampson Photography – talk about a talented design couple! Follow all of them on Instagram! @daintyobsessions @valsampson @jeffsampson – they travel often and hashtag them #sampsonsdo______ (insert cool destination) – They just went to NYC (#sampsonsdonyc) and I definitely lived vicariously through it all. Lucky!

Thanks for having us again Dainty Obsessions! xo


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