Well. What did I expect. A one year old who barely goes to her Dad right now without screaming to jump into the arms of a big man in a bright red suit with a huge white beard where you can barely see his face who I can’t really tell is more creepy or more jolly… Ya, ya, ya, what I did I expect. Humph. Well we got the “classic Santa picture.” The one that will probably get more likes than a super cute one. The one with her SCREAMING BLOODY MURDER to PLEASE COME GET ME MOM! The one where everyone will chuckle. Yep. It’s probably what I expected. I guess we needed one of these crying pictures, didn’t we? Next year Ivy, next year.
Waiting for Santa!
Oh! The hesitation!! MOOOOOM HELP!
Good grief
Ok, what if I hold you… nope, still too close
Managed to get this gem. She was just far enough from Santa that she wasn’t shrieking with fear.
John says “awkward family photo” and Santa replies, “oh it’s not like she hasn’t sat on your lap before…” then he winked!! CREEPY Santa for sure! EEEK!