Labor (or lack thereof) Day

September 2, 2014

Labor Day was gonna be a good one this year. Weather looked nice, we had some days off of work, and we were headed to our our cabin, Cedar Ridge Hideaway, in Yankton. I was quite anxious to spend the weekend with the fam and enjoy the last few rays of summer sunshine until fall rolls around (sigh).

The weekend was full of boating, friends, the great outdoors, and a random helicopter ride. Yep. Ivy rode in a heli. This girl, I’m tellin ya, she is all over the place! But, that’s what kind of parents we want to be, expose our kids to just about everything. And if she can go in the heli, by golly, she’s goin in the heli. Although she was more into trying to grab the throttle and the door handle (freaking out at both of those), I tried to hold her hands down and take in the beautiful scenery. The Lewis and Clark Lake and Missouri River are just amazing. It looked so much bigger up there! The cliffs were shining and the water was gleaming as the sun was setting amongst us. It was extraordinary!

So here it is, our Labor Day weekend.

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Anchored off and taking a playtime break

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Favorite thing about the river, are the bright cliffs. Perfect photo op.

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John’s brother Jeff and his lady Amy

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Justin and Emily

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Pretty much obsessed with this photo

Processed with VSCOcam with g3 preset


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Helicopter ride!

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Check out THAT view!

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Here is a sky view of our cabin!

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We even had the pilot drop us off at our cabin! John said it best, “Only a $120 cab ride!” Ha

Ivy 11 months-38 Ivy 11 months-61

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We ended the night with a bonfire. I LOVE BONFIRES.

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5 thoughts on “Labor (or lack thereof) Day

  1. Natalie's Mommy

    LOVE all these pics!! What a memorable time!! Love that you’re adventurous & take Ivy with you to experience the thrill!


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