Marriage and Cowboy Boots

July 30, 2014

Marriage and Cowboy Boots. An unlikely combination, but when you’re in Cheyenne, Wyoming during Frontier Days, that’s all you see. Boots, boots, and more boots. I’m certainly no cowgirl, but I felt quite left out with no cowboy boots of my own. There were cowboys, cowgirls, and (like I would have been) wannabe cowboys and cowgirls. But most importantly, there was family and a wedding. My cousin Emily and her new husband Lee tied the knot! The Keating side (my Dad’s side) is quite big, with 7 siblings, so almost all of the aunts and uncles and cousins united in Cheyenne where Emily grew up and her parents still live to celebrate the happy marriage of these two lovely people. The Keating side has been fortunate to have 3 years of weddings now! John and I got married two years ago, Ariel and Lee got married last year, and now Emily and Lee. It has been SO great getting to see the family and catching up with everybody each year. Also, many of them had not met Ivy yet, so that was VERY exciting to share her with the family. Like they say, first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in a baby carriage :)

Congratulations Emily and Lee, xx

(Beware, lots of photos ahead)

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Isn’t her dress AMAZING? She got it from Anthropologie bridal BHLDN

The ceremony was at Mary and Gary’s (Emily’s parents) backyard – beautiful setting! Emily and Lee are currently working in Taipei, Taiwan so the addition of the Japanese lanterns was just the right touch.


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Emily and her Dad Gary


We even managed to get a good family photo. Heck ya.


Cousin Carson and Andy with two good lookin’ girls :)


Cousin Ariel and Lee – last year’s newlyweds


Uncle Brian with Ivy


My Mom and Dad with Ivy, Phyllis (my Dad’s sister) and Bill, and Pat (my Dad’s brother)

The reception was at The Bunkhouse Bar – now this was a Cowboy Western Bar!

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My family – Dad included! All the way from his job in Afghanistan! From left – Joseph, muah, Jillian, Catheryn, Ivy, Mom Caleen, Dad Bill.


Sister Catheryn and little Ivy


Colleen, Catheryn, Jennifer, Phyllis, Ariel, Paula, and Jillian – lots of cousins and sisters!


Cousin Emily’s brother Andy and his girlfriend Rebecca. We all loved her. Way to go Andy


Cousin Jenna and her boyfriend Nick


 Outside of the Bunkhouse was such a gorgeous setting! These horses roamed around in the pasture and Ivy and John had to go see them. Just. Beautiful.


My Mom and Ivy


Happy little pipsqueak

*On Friday, we went to the Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo!



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Carson lost the bet!

*Later that night, we had a family dinner at Aunt Theresa and Mark’s house.


Ivy got a lot of boy cousin time!


*Saturday was a leisurely day – we spent the morning walking around Frontier Days and seeing the shops and sights.
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Don’t ask.


Petting zoo!


*Saturday night was the Tim McGraw concert!

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John, Brian, Jillian, Carson, and I


We love you Tim!!!!!!!!


Carson, Brian and Jillian, John, Jenna, and Laura

*And to end the trip on Sunday, we strolled in to Boulder for the day before our flight home. Absolutely LOVE Boulder.

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Well cowboy, that’s a wrap.

3 thoughts on “Marriage and Cowboy Boots

  1. Natalie's Mommy

    You’re so good with getting pics!! Glad you had fun but happy to have our playdate back ;-)

  2. Pingback: Colorado | Apple of My Ivy

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