Rolling over!

February 25, 2014

FRANTIC! Ivy started rolling over now from back to tummy, which is AWESOME, but I’m completely frantic because I’m going on my first weekend away from her on Friday-Sunday and John has her. Soooo rolling over in the middle of the night is scary! She can’t get herself back over when she wakes up so I’m going in to turn her over, but then she’s all worked up. So there goes some sleep for me :| Now I’m all nervous to leave her though because I usually check the monitor a few times during the night and John has NEVER had to look at the monitor yet because I haven’t been away from her! EEEEEK. Ok calm down, I’ll be ok survive, but I’ll definitely be thinking about the little tyke at night. It’s pretty funny though because now that she can roll over, she’s ALL over the place. I think we are going to have one mobile little girl when she starts going. Watch out world.

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