Playtime with Natalie

March 24, 2013

Natalie is Erin’s adorable little girl. She was born December 3rd, just two months after Ivy. She is sooo darn cute! I love getting together with Erin and it’s so funny to watch these two girls play (well, sort of) with each other. This summer we are doing Kindermusik and swimming lessons together so Natalie and Ivy will really get to know each other! Ivy just LOVED Natalie, she wanted to touch her and try to understand this other baby thing. It was so funny! Natalie just let Ivy do whatever, what a sweet girl. They had a TON of fun new toys for Ivy to try out too. Meanwhile, us Mom’s got in some good needed chat time :) Mommy’s gotta have a life too


Hey Natalie! Sup girl!



Mom, do you need something? Cus I’m kinda busy



Poor Natalie, sorry!!! Ivy just loved her

2 thoughts on “Playtime with Natalie

  1. erinwiswall

    Hahaha! I can’t wait to reread this blog post & share these photos at their graduations! That day will be here all too soon! I can’t wait for all of our summer fun!!!
    Besties in the making! Future Runners!!

    1. Kaylee Post author

      Ha! My mom just said, “they’ll be competing for state cx-co titles!” I told John this too and he goes, “ahhh, Andrew was a way better athlete than me, and Erin sounds like she was better than you, soooo, Ivy doesn’t stand a chance.” BAH! :)


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